
Ireland! We're not dead yet! Bite me Merkel!

yes, just to reiterate, the most recent explosion has exposed the spent fuel rods container - I'd only read a potential scenario involving them two days ago -

not really - there is a very serious, gigantic shitpile potentially coming - the most recent explosion exposed the spent fuel rods container to the air - those spent fuel rods come from hell.

the type here is.. so big.

fabulous - its another article stub with an SEO title, linking to a five hour old story.

hahahaha :)

it's not trolling. this "article" has almost no reason for being - it's only there to support the SEO headline.

nay still wrong - I figured if i riled you a bit, i'd get you there, but - to remind you - it's a very badly put together OS. It is, it's all over the place. there are no common cues between the mail app, video, books, nothing looks like the other, the desktop (which is hilarious as a concept re-introduction), is

this is another linkbait bullsh*t headline, in a blog that no longer knows what it is.

this is another linkbait bullsh*t headline, in a blog that no longer knows what it is.

no no -still wrong, good verbiage, but still entirely wrong. the mother conversation interesting, still wrong.

no. bullshit post. ancient creaky app. was this brewed with someone stabbing a biro at pageviews?

oh tzkelley, oh tzkelley, put away the bald nub of rage, for it is a killer tablet.

ara.. apple, these are your arthurian times - its got to end, they will fade, but by god they're babe ruth at bat all the time, for, well, quite some long time now.

OMFG. This is a tech review. of technology, with a review. hollee mother of jeebus.

You really couldn't. Not a MBP. An eleven inch air maybe. Unless you're buying the 64GB with a case made out of elf skin.

No, you're wrong there. There's a UI, design commonalities, new interface paradigms like the mail behaviour in the different orientations, powerful hooks to allow existing app code reformulate for the new interface, so no, you're pretty much wrong there. Wrong. The twenty dollar quote is wrong too.

Well, we have iMovie on our iPhones you mean. Putting it on say, the 5D mk2 would require canon to fit in a new CPU, gpu, some implementation of iOS and, presumably, a capacitive touchscreen to drive it.

A "mini version of their video-editing software for use on their cameras?"

Yes yes yes. The home and back icons are mentally ugly. And they bear no semantic relationship to that weird applications button in the top right. Ech that OS. I was going to reply to xoomboy again but there're no point. I'm not coming at this from a fanboy standpoint - as designer, honeycomb really and truly f**king