
oh fair enough - apologies sir i was taking a punt there. Hey - you never know with online personas right? And.. the reason i've nada followers is I got blasted for a rant about something or other when i came in drunk one night - from starred whatnot, to pink text. that being said, I had like 16 followers, so its not

they weren't standard argument tickboxes. what does that mean anyway? I was criticising the OS there, I spent quite a while going through that OS, I have a trained design background, and it deserves criticism.

Google meeting.

Yeah, but what, semantically, is computer experience? The ipad is a computer, so is a linux server, your experience of those two computing devices is radically different. One is a piece of industrial machinery, the other is a product for the home. And who is a more complicated user?

oops - dupe deleted

the design signals are inconsistent, some environments are bad cylinder shells, the desktop (??) level has bad zoom in zoom out terminology when adding widgets, accessing the application springbar can be two hidden steps away, there is no real universal home, the icons can be at face indecipherable, the multitasker is

i'm not sure what this post is on about

just sayin: the OS GUI and logical user operation is a scrambled egg design mess - that stuff matters.

io9 is bitchslapping this for bullshit.

boom. I am an ibuprofen consumer.

microsoft had to end sometime - this is microsoft ending like IBM ended - they're out of puff.


"it is cold and complex."

in technology terms - giz is the huffington post.

this isn't really a technology blog anymore.

Its because they're all bizarrely short stubs with large type as well. There was a piece about burnt frying pans there the other day. And who could forget the special about hammers? Anything relating to tech is a link to engadget or BGR or whoever. It's mindboggling how far and how fast this place has fallen. I think

I'm looking at a picture of two frying pans. Some allusion has been made to galaxies. What?

this is jesus diaz on lego and I **Just Can't Read It**. It's a weird compressed splurge of stuff beside an ad and a bunch of other static links. Heuristically - please remember - a ton of static non-responsive stuff over one third of the page when i scroll - not good. not a cognitive happy.

I'm babbling about the fact that this blog is going down the toilet before our eyes.

sure - but this is a thing. Giz is editorially in, to be polite, flux. I was burbling on, but there are pretty serious editorial issues here. Giz doesn't deserve this kind of crazy.