
balls to that. they did wrong here. It's the first sense of it beginning to go away for marvel. they way they did it, the crass scriptwriter they brought in - and god when they did it.

oh dear.

but if I'm not properly introduced to them, then aren't they just some computer generated thing in a stupid costume? why do I care if they live or die?

I don't think its the number - its the fact that it would effectively be a direct intervention by god, or god level entity, without explanation. You'd have to suspect the human psyche and the social contract would begin to come apart at the seams.

maybe it was a glitch - your post showed up three times. And yes, I am quite a fan of flann.

maybe stop reposting the comment.

Yes, I think I'm OK with that - if it was eccleston turning his nose up at it that forced moffat to devise the secret doctor - then that could turn out to have been a wonderful stroke of luck.

you're insane. you put McCoy before Tennant??? McCoy was godawful and the series was at its total nadir in his period. That is as bad as doctor who ever got. And McCoy didn't help. Tennant is the second or third best doctor ever. flat fact.

that's reasonable?

I like Eccleston myself - he would be like a slightly more authoritative older brother, the dynamic could be amazing - they are all brothers in the end: I think Tennant is too close to Smith in temperament.

they were semantically white, you idiot. white men climb mountains. continue enjoying noble black men in a mythical africa, made by white men for your pleasure. you more or less moron.

bollocks to that. its passively racist this. I've spoken on other replies, and referred to my own, and parentage irish experience in other replies. this stuff really isn't on. its masking a continent into a moron simplicity, and robbing the people from there, of any individuality.

nope. Its very, very, comfortably racist. big deep broad brushstrokes easy racist.

no you idiot.

nope. the caricature absolutely is a problem. At least it crossed your mind now.

nope, you just absorbed comfortable derogatory stereotypes of african people wandering the plains with the cheetah and didn't blink an eyelid.

born in the west of ireland matey. although i have spent time in africa, or at least a tiny, unrepresentative part of an unimaginably large, complex continent.

"This is the way it is; Africans live in those environments"