
Yup this one irritates me more than anything else. If you really were a genuine ally and honestly a decent human being you would be willing to ditch relationships, friendships and speak up as well if you hear racism/sexism. But so many of them live so many lies just to “keep the peace”. That sort of “peace” eventually

I agree with you, I was coming at it from the angle of what I know of the world. As one comment mentioned above that if all white women supported poc, the numbers and impact would be huge. I guess form my point of view when I look at the military/police/media/politics...all I really see is white men making the

I’d also like to clarify, just in case some of my comments have been misconstrued and have caused any poc/minorities to be disheartened or anything, that if the times comes and I have to pick up a gun to fight for poc/minority rights I will. I will go to whatever lengths are required for justice and equality. So I

Hey I feel the same, a similar thing i occuring in asutralia as well. I know these people and their voices were always there, but i had believed my entire life that they would never get mainstream power. Its getting ridiculous, especially the level the “normal” people are letting this slide. Counter progressive voices

Yeah I think i should have outlined that more clearly from the get go. Oh well we’re all learning to be better communicators.

I do agree with you for the record, its just that the viciousness sometimes I see towards a group of any women when I find that the group of men aren’t getting that specific type of viciousness starts ringing my misogyny bells. That was basically it. I honestly do think there is a huge problem among white women, and

Im not talking about critiquing them, im saying I’ve seen a special kind of hatred towards white women (and i understand the level of furstration that it comes from), hell its even more than I’ve seen for men at some points. Maybe its because both men and women find it easier to be that little bit nastier towards

I don’t think they care whether they’re complicit or not. Maintaining their marriages and relationships with men will always come first no matter what breachies of justice are made. Its like they’re addicted to the approval of men, the way some are addicted to alcohol. In my experience they pay lip service and then

Why can’t non married couples also increase the country’s population? They can have kids too.

It couldnt be that hard to give other forms of relationships the same status.

Hmm i still dont understand why de facto and civil unions wouldnt be considered on the same level.

I feel like this is similar to women being able to keep their last name discussion that happened 40-50 years ago. Meaning that marriage should uphold its symbolic quality, but the legal aspect needs to be changed. Im surprised that the second wave feminists didnt sort this out to be honest.

My point is that hating on white women isnt going to achieve anything. As i said the ones who support us support us, and the ones who dont, just dont. That doesnt mean we dont critque them, its just I dont want the focus to move away from white men...and men in general (if you look at this globally).

At the end of the day racism and patriachy are tied up together. As in male dominated societies need to dominate other groups... and we get sexism and racism. My main point is that we can critique everyone but at the same time the money and power resides in the hands of white men and thats where the main focus needs

At the end of the day racism and patriachy are tied up together. As in male dominated societies need to dominate other groups... and we get sexism and racism. My main point is that we can critique everyone but at the same time the money and power resides in the hands of white men and thats where the main focus needs

I’m with you, I’m a woman of colour and this needless anger against white women is getting beyond ridicukous. Funny thing is that coloured men (their own family/partners and so on) probbaly cause a lot more grief to coloured women than white women do. This just feels like another run of lets hate women, instead of

Maybe we should focus in making sure that de facto and civil union relationships get the same rights as marriage, instead of just throwing up our hands and saying you either get married and get these rights or you don’t. I hope this becomes a focus point for feminism.

I don’t see much point in marriage either. Its an outdated institution, I don’t understand why marriage gets more rights than de facto or civil unions. Its ridiculous. Like are we in 2017 or 1917. Hey at least in 1917 the badass feminists would have least started the beginnings of protesting this imbalance.

Maybe those legal protections should be meted out to other relationship types as well, regardless of marriage. Why does marriage get more rights, make no sense in this day and age.

But why do married people get all these benefits over others. I think its time for the laws themselves to be changed rather than the rest of us having to force ourselves to get married to get these benefits.