If you consider yourself an ally and this kind of talk offends you or if you find it dismissive of your allegiance, you’re part of the problem. If you know you’re an ally, then you should be able to just keep calm and carry on.
If you consider yourself an ally and this kind of talk offends you or if you find it dismissive of your allegiance, you’re part of the problem. If you know you’re an ally, then you should be able to just keep calm and carry on.
Aside from the obvious horrors one of the things things that really gets me about this is that you have Nazis ostensibly showing up for a “protest” or “rally”. But you don’t show up for a protest or rally with riot shields and weapons. They expected to meet counter protests with violence. They were looking for a…
What you argue here just isn’t true. Women alone, hell, white women alone, exist in such numbers that they could dramatically shift the Overton window ALONE. They don’t require the consent of men to do so.
I used to be against doxxing. Now I am starting to come around. See a Nazi, dox a Nazi.
I am staunchly against doxxing. However, if they didn’t want to be identified, they can always put the hoods back on. You can’t stand there shouting about “white pride” and then shrink when the spotlight swings your way. Inciting a riot isn’t protected speech.
I agree that they should be doxxed, but you need to realize that these people have always been around, and that is in part because people tolerate them. They are your relarives, friends, coworkers, and neighbors. Whitebpeople are acting like they are so surprised qns horrified. Come on, y’all knew these people…
None of those men were/are cops. They’re all nazis dressed in their surplus store duds.
The city should be sued, the police force should be sued, each individual terrorist in this picture should be sued. But like the article points out, even after Mr. Harris wins, he’ll carry this unspeakable trauma with him for the rest of his life - how to help with that? What a mean, disgusting, terrible lesson to…
Yeah, this. Free speech should be allowed, fine. But they let white supremacists march while carrying flags on heavy wooden poles that were intended for use as weapons. The cops and Guards should have been lining the rally venue and they should have confiscated all weapons and potential weapons from everyone attending.
I don’t know how to help from Canada. We’re in Toronto watching the news every day and following Twitter, in shock. I boycotted all travel into and through the U.S. from the day Trump took office, in protest, but that doesn’t do anything to help Americans. The rise of white supremacy in the U.S. is seriously affecting…
Echoing what @Raineyb said, the city shares culpability for a lack of preparedness to deal with the violence.
Thank god Mr. Harris has good friends who stepped up to help him. I wish for him to have a speedy recovery and I’m glad the photographer is helping his mother identify the thugs who did this.
And most aren’t even really “the good ones.” They’ll sit silent at Thanksgiving dinner, silent at group hangs, silent at work - “oh, grandma’s old and set in her ways,” “everyone knows Brian’s an idiot,” “you shouldn’t talk politics at work” - but will talk big shit online, achieving absolutely nothing aside from…
You think these women aren’t attaching themselves to these men for the power and the resources such power brings? They are and it’s just as problematic. It’s not just women who don’t care about feminism who are the problem and you seem to be ignoring that. Plenty of problematic white women also call themselves…
If you’re tempted to point out that you’re one of the good ones right now ... please don’t.
You are some piece of work.
That’s right, expose them to the sunlight.
An unidentified group of white supremacists in Charlottesville, Va., attacked and beat a black man with poles in a…