
But why does marriage confer all these benefits when de facto and civil union doesnt. Whats so damn special about marriage? I want marriage to be bought down or the other situations to be raised to the same level of of rights. IM never getting married. I dont believe in it, I don’t believe where it comes from or what

Happens with women too, I’ve seen so many suddenly lose weight and other health conditions getting better (aches, pains, flus)... just all gone after they’ve left their partner.

Oh for fucks sake, if a motherfucker tried to use his physical strength against me he’d be lucky if he just got away with plate in the face. Fuck these men for thinking they can touch and treat and then get angry at women as they like. Fuck this article. That was straight up abuse. If you feel so sacred of your

Yuck, this is so disgusting *vomits. I bet these adds were created, drawn, written, planned completely by men. Ugh. Just yuck!!! With every passing day my faith in men keeps dropping. It was already at 0, now we are well in the negatives.

Yeah and the way everything is a joke to them or an opportunity to laugh at other’s abuse. I commend you on having a boyfriend though. I don’t think in the current climate of backlash against feminism I could do it. I just can’t deal with the stupidity, the cluelessness, the dismissals, the lack of maturity anymore. I

I don’t understand why these “all issues are caused by economic systems” people don’t understand your extremley obvious point. People are egoistic and arrogant. Racism and sexism further fuel their sense of false superiority. Captitalism, socialism, mixed market etc. all these things might make some impact but it

Thank you! Like you said a better economy does not mean POC or women will be allowed a seat at any table where power is managed. We never have. We’ve had to fight for it, and we need to keep on fighting the opinions of white men be damned. They are no longer our primary voice, rather we are our own primary voice.

Yeah but racism and sexism, especially sexism has existed before capitalism. Abuse of women numbers 1000's of years. You can’t just put everything down to capitalism/socialism/etc.

Goodness gracious I still can’t get over the fact that sex is mandatory in relationships. Like the number of people (women specifically) i know who force themselves to have sex for the sake of their relationships is terrifying. I don’t know who made it this thing that you must have sex, and you must have good sex on a

Yup this. One of my biggest issues with mainstream feminism is that this gets swept under the carpet. Like I understand if women didn’t excuse such behaviours, defend them, ignore them, turn a blind eye to them, say its not such a big deal, most women’s relationships with all men in their lives would end. Bye bye

Yup gay men are the next level up from hetero men. Hetero men at least try some pseudo niceness/decency to get sex or at least find a maid/mother/incubator for themselves. Gay men fully express what all the straight men would feel if they didn’t have some attraction to women. In fact you could say the express the true

Seriously why are men and their entire culture so fucked up. And why don’t the “good ones” who are apparently the majority, call this shit out. Or maybe they’re all messed up and they are no good ones :/

YUCKKKK, ugh, why do these men even exist. Ladies if anyone creates a man free island or country, plleeeeeeeease contact me.

Not surprised, or not surprised that men are behind the production of like 99% of movies. Even with wonder woman which I greatly enjoyed, I could see how it was made to be tillitating to men. The way her body was portrayed. And for the record I read super hero comic books and im very on top of knowing when they are

I love her level of professionalism and just her work ethic as well. Gosh I want to be friends with women like this. Its sad though to see that even she says that its tougher for women at the moment due to the criticsm on social media. It confirms what I’ve been thinking for some time, that we really are seeing a

Say what you will but you cannot deny there is a specificaly a subset of older men who are focused on being with younger women, primarily because they are younger, no other reason. That’s predatory behaviour regardless of the ages concerned. They didnt “accidentally fall in love”, or “it just happened”. These men are

Yeah call it out. My motto these days is if im uncomfortable about the state of inequality in our society, like hell does everyone have to be uncomfortable too. No covering this bs up. Radical feminism has actually really helped me. Because they don’t shy away from the truth.

The power imbalance is immense in someone older than you. Their ability to charm, manipulate etc. etc. will be levels above someone a few decades younger. Its so awkward socially as well, when someone with an older person brings their partner along. To a group of friends of the same age it feels like a parental

Started following you. Literally because of this comment.