
The headline makes you think the app is going around impregnating people, which I think should be the plot of a future Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie.

She’ll now become a zombie but her memory will linger.

Bread. Delicious bread.

I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid we can’t do that.

Bread. Bread is the problem. Delicious bread.

I’m sure someone like you had similar advice for Columbus, Magellan, and Galileo.

Good for her. I hope she makes it.

That’s a good reason.

They should be able to have any math book they want.

Come to America, where ancestral palaces and gay princes are a venerable tradition.

Isn’t Hellfire their raison d’etre?

Does your hairdryer still work? Does it do an adequate job? Then why on earth would you replace it?

She looks lovely.

You know they liked your comment when it gets more than 2^7 stars.

Let’s hope it doesn’t mean they’ll just stop hiring women, out of spite.

Slavery, it’s not just a job, it’s an adventure!

They only invited him for the batteries.

Probably more like a leaky water pistol.

She’s Legally Blonde.