
I saw it last night. It was a visual tour-de-force. The script was horrible. Worst Star Wars story ever. Jar-jar Binks was a more compelling character than anyone in this movie except Mark Hamill.

I saw it last night. It was a visual tour-de-force. The script was horrible. Worst Star Wars story ever. Jar-jar

The should sell the coffee in Star Wars Last Jedi disposable cups.

If only they would kick out the 100,000 people who work for Amazon out of the US.

Google, Facebook, and Amazon are not interested in people who can program computers, especially women. They are only interested in dudebros from Stanford or Champaign-Urbana who can describe algorithms in O(n) or O(log(n)) time. This is why they will never take over the world, like they want.

The Church gets 10%, don’t forget.

The Pit of Misery! Dilly dilly!


Donald Trump is a stable genius, capable of sustaining thousands of horses’ asses simultaneously.

I’ll take that deal. Hillary needs to stand trial. What she did is a crime. Anyone not named Hillary Clinton would be in jail for it. She needs to answer.

That’s what people don’t understand. What rankles me is one set of rules for regular people, and another set of rules for the elite. That’s not what America is about. I hate Trump as much as anyone on this site, but Hillary needs to stand trial.

You know nothing, Jon Snow.

Don’t get me wrong, I hate Trump with the fire of 1000 suns and like everyone of conscience hope he is removed from office, but Hillary Clinton is obviously guilty of multiple violations of the Espionage Act, as anyone, and I mean anyone, who has ever held a security clearance could tell you. She needs to pay.

Yeah, this is gonna backfire. A cardinal rule of leadership is to never give an order you know will be disobeyed. No state official or law enforcement officer in any state where marijuana is legal will lift a finger to help, and Federal law enforcement has enough problems already to keep them very busy.

Call me when it’s investment bankers and Wall Street douchebags.

The commenters at Breitbart have gone crazy. They’re like 20,000 rats below deck when the food runs out, calling each other “cucks” and traitors, taking sides and going nuts. It’s a crazy town feeding frenzy. It’s so much fun!

OMG, I lived in Anniston, Alabama, from 79-82. Faulkner would have had a field day with that town. I was never so glad to leave a place in the rear view mirror. I’ve never been back and never will. It’s the seat of Calhoun County, for Pete’s sake. Yes, that Calhoun. There are greater hives of scum and villainy, but

I have trouble feeling sorry for any of these people.

Paulie Sorvino’s gonna take care of it.

Paulie may move slow, but that’s because Paulie doesn’t have to move for anybody.