
men who would like to talk about that one time someone was mean to them on the internet, you can bring it right here. no need to clutter up the comment section.

I had no idea Madeleine Albright said that to Conan. You would think Twitter would have let me know something like that.

An expanded and, based on the rantings of relatives I'm family bound to be Facebook friends with, slightly more accurate version:

Succinctly said.

I love you

He put the D I C K in "ridickulous"

Is it to much to say that FOX News just can't even, for real?

You cannot call out Mike Ross while also saying pros button mash. Rushdown isn't mashing buttons, it's making a series of guesses based on how you think your opponent's going to defend or react to your offense. Mike Ross complains when he plays online because other players don't have tournament experience and

In Hobby Lobby v. All that is Reasonable & Good the majority of SCOTUS (aka five Catholic men) claimed to have decided this issue ONLY on birth control and ONLY on certain types of birth control. This was because birth control is seen as an especially divisive issue, especially when one side is able to argue their

Effectively, they can refuse to pay for insurance that covers anything to which they have a religion based opposition. This is the problem with the Hobby Lobby fiasco. Once the door is open to religious constraints on public policy, it is open. Sure, the court heard arguments on contraceptives. But by simply applying

Well in the fantasy world of the Hobby Lobby majority, birth control is just slut pills that aren't medically necessary ever unless you are a floozy who wants to murder babies/become a welfare queen. In dicta, Alito sort of put it in a special category that explicitly included blood transfusions, but implicitly

Dr. Facilier's song was awesome, especially the animation. Hands down my favorite song in that movie.

i need every non-christian religious person with a company to start enforcing their religious laws. because god fucking damn do i wanna watch this shit come crumbling down. i don't even care anymore. we're going to hell in a handbasket and i am going to make some jiffy pop over the hellfire on the way there.

Maybe not according to the specific ruling, but legal precedent can be expanded upon from a specific starting point, and this is that starting point. Hobby Lobby could be cited in a future case about a blood transfusion scenario, making it that much harder for the court to make a distinction between the two types of

Not according to this ruling— it only applies to contraception specifically. (Apparently this is not gender/sex discrimination because.... they're refuse to cover pregnancy prevention in men, too?)

There is just something sexy and dangerous about a skimpy hazmat suit. Mostly dangerous.

SDAs don't care about blood transfusions. That's Jehovah's witnesses. SDAs would be more likely to refuse to hire people who aren't vegetarian or teetotalers.

The Hobby Lobby decision basically invalidates any attempt at enforcing Federal employment law (or any other type of Federal law) against "closely-held" businesses. The conservatives wanted to piss on Obama and the Affordable Care Act, and they wound up short-circuiting the entire Federal Government.

Keep trying, folks. You've almost got the Hengjavik.