
Marino is known as quite a bit of a cheapskate and dickish around town in general (in the Weston area) but the quickest one I can relay, since I'm about to leave work is: My mother used to be a counselor at the day camp his kids were at on the NSE campus the training camp is on.

uPlay is screwing up your pc is what uPlay is doing. Oh it's also bugging you for microtrans/dlc money.

These are great stuff. Remind me of my encounters with Dan Marino at/near the training camp. (less drunkiness, same level of self importance/dick behavior)

Are any of the Vs consummate? Only consummate Vs count.

And here I thought name dropping was considered bad form.

What's with all the anti-peanuts? It was the best part of the entire thing. It was texture!

Also, yeah the concept of the food choices was never terrible but it ended up looking so so bad and the stench in the microwave was also gag-inducing.

Oh man.. another story that's totally unrelated to the other story I posted:

Can someone make it so I can star anti-ranch comments more than once? Writing a script to make fake accounts just so I can star something 1000s of times seems like work.

I still like unnaturally yellow mustard but only with french fries. (steak fries preferably)

I'm super pendantic, even more so when I was a kid. We never had anything but frozen wonder bread and burgers need burger buns.

Woo, an excuse to bust out another Harrowing Tale of Shit I Ate as a Kid.

I can't come up with a decent reply. I tried, work keeps distracting me. Go hamsters.

Miami is a place where a large number of people carry period, whether or not it's within the scope of the law.

Making sure your guests literally don't live down their drunken testimonials and/or dirty maids/groomsman hookups is way extra.

I am all for Metric scoring everything possible.

Photograph, eh? Wink wink, nudge nudge. PHOTOGRAPHY

Alternate plan: shoot people's weddings for little to no cost. Then you end up there and also are front row for the best part of wedding receiptions: drunk guest testimonials.

And... they eat snakes. (some of them)

And the fact that gun and coal money probably funneled like mad at her once daddy asked his hunting buddy to back her.