
Guy wouldn't know majesty if it came up and bit him in the face,

So- you weren't allowed to use knives, or stand too close to the microwave, but you existed on "cheapest possible cold cuts available, 1 lb blocks of cheap cheese, freezer-housed loaves of processed bread and pop tarts." I'm so sorry. You seem pretty normal.

Say what you want, but this is goddamned gorgeous. I am making for Thanksgiving this year. I also once made a cheeseball shaped like a pumpkin for a Halloween party. It was cute and delicious!

Oh my god. I had to back away from the computer screen. What were the peanuts doing in there?

oh my god

I used to think that my post-kindergarten Velveeta-and-ketchup-on-Wonder-Bread sandwiches were bad, but the peanuts put that ground beef casserole over the top.

My parents went through a low-cholesterol kick in the early 80s, and they repeatedly served us a dish they called "broccoli brown rice hollandaise." Think broccoli and brown rice bound together with egg whites. Just remembering the smell makes me gag...

Yeah it sounds like something that could have been done decently if it wasn't made by poor kid. And also that cheap yellow mustard makes me gag anyways.

Ranch dressing is infinitely worse than marshmallow fluff.

What is wrong with you that you think ranch dressing is a positive alternative to any of those things

Other than the peanuts, thats really not that terrible. But why wouldn't you just make a burger?...

Y'all forgot to mention the "Easy Pad Thai" recipe I actually tried that was just ramen noodles, peanut butter, and fish oil. It was a dark time for me.

I'm more thinking the combination of cream cheese and ranch. Those two things do not belong together. No. No no no no no.

There's a gun inside the camera, isn't there?

Metric is the fucking shit. Anyone disagrees, then come at me bro! :) Such a great, great band.

I first read this as "Alternate plan: shoot people", which I highly disapproved of.

Political badger don't give a shit.

The wedding industrial complex is so bat shit crazy in this country that it took me an embarrassing 3/4 of the article to realize that it's a joke. I thought she was being serious. People seriously think like this. People are seriously the worst.

omg you're so cool you don't care about weddings