
You forgot to mention things about guns. ACRES OF GUNS.

I'll be happy as soon as we get super mutants with boston accents. The primary radio dj better also have a boston accent.

Pink, you don't have to actually say "fuck Florida", it is just a given that in all things telling some part of Florida to fuck off will need to occur.

So are you saying we can Blame it on the Rain? Yeah? Yeah?

It's a sad day when the a fake british department store 42 years ago had more reasonable employee hair standards than Starbucks today.

The campaign was D-nied.

We (my family) was just in this situation with debating between an '11 kia soul and a '07 xc90.

Just because a horse is dead doesn't mean EA wont continue to beat it, as evidenced by C&C primarily. The entire genre was milked dry at some point and yet they kept making them. C&C I think was milked to dust back at the 3 expansions and yet we still got 4.

If we can crib from public figures, Cain, Yuri, Einstein, Stalin. If we can take from ra3 (cause Westwood wasn't really on that one honestly. Classic Westwood was gutted and left for dead after ra2) we can bring in even more characters just from C&C.

My emoji standard is "anything but google chat/hangout's emojis".

EA needs to clone Heroes of the Storm and release a new moba called Resurrected Characters from Studios we Fired all of the Staff from after Milking their IPs dry

Yeah with cata reboot you, even lacking heirlooms, level faster than the area can keep up with yellow ranked quests. If you're dedicated to finishing an entire zone prior to moving on you'll often be doing grey quests just to advance the story.

The most daunting thing about one of these insta-90s to me is the hour or so I'd have to spend figuring out where to put everything on my hotbars.

The allegation being that this constitutes sexual abuse, not the allegation that she did something she admitted to in a book.

Yes they do, and kids also stick m-80s inside of frogs to watch them explode and stab other children with sharp objects to see what the result will be.

Incredulous is the only word I can come up with for this allegation.

Proposals should be "magical" or whatever word you want to attach to it. I probably would have hid in a trash can if someone wanted me to when I used to video shoot weddings. Not that there's any reason to hide in a trash can when you're trying to obviously video tape a wedding ceremony but yeah. Totally would have

For the year or so I lived and worked in downtown STL I was working on a google maps overlay that tracked where people we're urinating overnight. (and also what type of species was at fault, dog vs human)

... he might be a redneck?

It could have happened in south florida if any decent acts ever bothered to go down to south florida.