
Superby Prime is going to write a scathing review of the New 52 SO VICIOUS it ret-cons the entire relaunch.

Oh my god, thank you. When I grew up it was all about Grover. I find Elmo incredibly annoying by comparison; it's nice to see Grover again.

Yes, after the whole sex abuse scandal with the guy who does Elmo's voice, Sesame Street pulled way back on the Elmo-promoting and started featuring other Muppets more prominently. Thank Christ.

If you play it backwards it sounds like the ocean!!!!1

Coke Zero taste like ass. I'm perfectly happy drinking regular Coke. And all you Pepsi people are disgusting.

It seems like we're splitting heirs here until the actual birth occurs.

Ho ho ho indeed.

chick you ain't santa. stand down.

i wanna flip like 500 tables about that last one. WOW THO.

I'm disappointed that porn Linda wasn't played by a man, to be consistent with the cartoon's casting.

If someone offered me a huge advance, I would! Chapter 9: Age 13: The Tragedy of Shopping at JC Penney with Mom

Hey now; if Rick Scott has to leave his heat lamp at home....