

tralalalalallalalalla if I can trick my dad into thinking I've been knocked up yet again, it will all be worth it.

I had no idea that selfie sticks were a thing that people actually USE until I took my family to Universal Studios last month. People in Florida use selfie sticks. All of the people, seemingly.

That would be *interesting*.

For that kind of money, those jokers better be at the honeymoon. Taking care of "business", if you know what I mean.

People have feelings about Ben Stiller that are not hate? Imagine that.

This little wood sprite is working my nerves.

I can't be mad at this because I don't even know what the purpose of this is. Is it supposed to raise doubts in the mind of women about the efficacy of abortifacient drugs? If not, then why tell them this misinformation? I mean personally if I had doubts about a medical procedure and you told me it was completely

Do they mean "reversible" as in, this abortion has a waterproof lining, so I can turn it inside out and wear it in the rain?

What? What does that even mean? Is that like if a woman seeks an abortion, then a doctor can step in and make them stay pregnant? Can anyone explain how any of this works because it sounds utterly ludicrous.

I just. What. I mean. Blooof.

. . .I don't get it. If they tell patients that abortions are reversible, won't they be more likely to get them? This is obviously phenomenally stupid on all levels but I don't understand how it would even help the pro-life idiots to make this claim.

Good news everyone death is also reversible!! YAAAYYYY can I have my Pop-Pop back now.

medication abortions are "reversible."

In addition to how crazy and wrong and illogical this is...wouldn't "reversible" abortions go against the whole "abortion = murder" thing? Since, ya know, murder isn't reversible?

this make girl so mad
girl *CRUSH*

So the message of the song is "I'm so straight for you that I would kiss a girl in order to be with you?" That's some mobius strip gayness right there.

Didn't the Grand Ole Opry once rescind the membership of an artist after she came out?

uhhhhhhhhh girl crush isnt when you're obsessive and trying to swf her to get to her man