
I feel for his family’s loss but you’re right. If I’m a 21 year old with the means to go all the way to North Korea I’d probably pull up short and end up having a fantastic time in Tokyo instead.

I don’t applaud his torture and death, but he did deliberately travel there. Also, I feel like a lot of the same people who decry Otto Wambier’s treatment at the hands of his jailers are all too happy to see American (minorities) mistreated and killed by police.

It may be a hot take, but it’s certainly not the hottest. Yes, it is probably stupid to go visit NK and think everything will be alright, I’m sure Otto understood there was a risk.... HOWEVER, that does not excuse the sitting POTUS to say “Hey, I believe this human rights violator that he didn’t know”.

Am I the only one who blames Otto Warmbier?  He wasn't kidnapped.  He voluntarily went to a place these things are known to happen.

I’m not sure racists have any problem being racist. Their problem is with getting caught. When you put a lifetime of effort into the euphemisms, elisions, code-words, dog-whistles, know-what-I-means, etc., that are the window-dressing of polite bigotry, it must really sting to fuck up so badly that everyone looks at

Seriously cause Wikileaks ain’t gonna do shit. Maybe we need to start raiding these STEM classes for recruits.

This is the correct take. People who are all up in Rep Cummings’ Kool-Aid who don’t know the rules and have forgotten the relevance both of Congresswoman Tlaib’s (and I wish they’d remember how to spell her name) comments staying on the record AND her committee seat (because they sure would’ve tried to relieve her of

You won’t get enough agreement because every time a younger man of color criticizes an older man of color who’s in leadership there’s always an element of that testosterone alpha wolf CHALLENGE in it where they’ll never EVAH admit that if the elder leader didn’t absolutely and vocally throw a fist up and tow the

It’s against the House rules to disparage a fellow Congressperson. I think Cummings was doing her a solid by helping avoiding being reprimanded and the hearings being thrown into chaos by the GOP mouth breathers. They would have had to debate the reprimand which would have given the GOP more screen time than they

So you’re saying trump literally wants to fuck himself???

Becasue we don’t even have the balls the French have.

And even if you look at the millionairs and billionaires who were able to rise out of nothing—they still managed to do it on the backs of other people who will never achieve as much as they did.

I’m not sayin that if you got a silver spoon, don’t use it. I’m just tired of hearing these millionaires try to bullshit us

That entire interview with her was a pile of bullshit that doesn’t even live up Fox News’ regular level of bullshit. The whole thing can be summed up in like two lines:

I would posit that in this day and age of stagnant wages and the gig economy, it’s easier than ever to work very hard and still not make a lot of money.

Ivapid has it exactly backwards. People want to get paid for their work - something her dud dad doesn’t understand, either. (Witness unpaid contractors, etc.)

“Hard work=getting rich” is a gigantic lie. We all just got a rich guy on our backs dangling a carrot. We give them a free ride in exchange for “promises” that are in their best interests not to keep. Meanwhile they broke every rule/cut every line to get where they are while telling us to follow the rules.

This heaux...

Why did you make me read that in Hank Hill’s voice???

I support a minimum wage. I do not however believe in a minimum guarantee for people “unwilling to work” which was the question asked of me.