
I never read ‘em, just Dismiss!

I met David Allen Grier at Caroline’s in NY, on his way out of the door. He’s from Detroit and the very grounded, cool with everybody but will call you on your crap vibe was definitely there. He was leaving for the night but stopped, talked for the longest time and took pictures with me before heading out into the

I was in Spain a short while ago, just being amongst the people, who were beautiful and handsome, peaceable yet welcoming, chilling literally everywhere I went. Every time there was a jarring loudness, some disruption to the happenings, I looked into the sun-burned, putridly homely face of someone with an Australian

I hope she sues the shit out of the police and the neighbor! Let the thought of Rifle-Puller having to pull all his savings to hire a lawyer then try to take out a second mortgage to pay the settlement ease your pain a little! Then think about ALL the cops that’ll have to scramble to cover and help this jerkoff cop.

The disrespect is glaring! Of all the people who handled this poster, every discussion on character prominence and sizing, and all the levels of approval it went through SOMEbody thought it important that Bradley Cooper be compensated for his Oscar loss with top billing and SOMEbody thoughtfully placed the two Black

“...the lie that we are “man-hating”... Women who enjoy makeup and fashion are often deemed superficial as if aesthetic pleasure can’t authentically and equally coexist with feminist commitment and discourse...Full face of makeup every day...the highest heels.”

This was excellent, as usual. But it occurred to me, as I sip an adult beverage this evening, that in the approximate year I’ve been reading your stuff here, I’ve not read any follow-ups to your responses that evidence any real turnaround or change of heart.

Nooo, not hatred of feet! Hatred of ugly feet. Ugly feet made worse by misshapen toes growing in every direction but forward. Feet unfamiliar with foot soaks, soap, Vaseline or pumice stones or nail clippers let alone nail polish. Feet that cannot be comfortable in flip-flops so worn from their original 3/4 inch

Blacks and People of Color, on the whole, need to stop just accepting disparate treatment, negative outcomes and discrimination by uploading to social media, cursing to friends and leaving the perpetrators to the fates!

Ignore her.

In laughably economically-anxious, Taylor, Michigan a woman giving a cop the finger is par for the course. Along with filthy feet in worn flip-flops in winter, the phenomenon that is cottage cheese badly-stuffed into pajama pants below a wide receiver’s torso with four stomachs accompanied by four children somehow

Good gracious, Jason MURDERED IT in 2 minutes, 16 seconds! He eloquently crammed so many meaty facts into their faces eviscerating any argument even attempting to doubt the intelligence of Black people, FOR ALL TIME! Father in heaven, bless that excellence personified!

This happens because of the underlying philosophy that’s drilled into LEO during training: YOU must DOMINATE and CONTROL every situation you enter! Make all present SUBMIT to your domination, then you can address the actual matter at hand if you feel like it. Oh, and Black women need to be controlled, let's not forget

If there is a loophole to FOIA imperatives, who is most likely to exploit it?! The people with the secured information!

“Guess what, people aren’t going to stop talking just because you call them out.”

Terry’s predicament just proves that most people don’t have deep thoughts; and their superficial, off-the-cuff remarks are uninformed, unenlightened and don’t need to be broadcast around the world and retained for posterity!

Will a Young please explain to this Old what da fuc is the allure of a face tattoo, or three? And if the Young has some background in psychology, please explain why they always seem to be doing heinous crimes.

Oh, did I mention that It Never Rains by 3T is one of my favorite songs?! I love a pared-down song with a hard-but-slow beat...I'm gonna need a minute alone, y'all...

This mass arrest was just antagonistic! Cops know very well what constitutes probable cause, permission to enter/search, and when prosecutors are likely to file charges. And if an individual officer is confused about what he should do, he radios his command officer for authorization BEFORE he does it. This was just to

FIRST: Life shows that we can NEVER know what lurks in another person’s heart. Neither boys nor girls are safe from Dad, Mom’s Boyfriend, Stepdad, Granddad, brother, uncle, priest/pastor, teacher/coach, neighbor or family friend. Parents can only screen, perform due diligence, WATCH! and make it known that dire