
Sunday.  Sunday is the Lord’s day...you know, when you get into a domestic dispute at an Alabama Golden Corral like the good Lord intended.

That part. All of it

The greys really came out today to defend their precious “culture”. This is the exact reasons I hate to be associated with her culutre. It loves to defend the white men. At least EA and Ubisoft actually tries for representation

Let’s be serious: she didn’t lose all that weight from diet and exercise, she lost all that weight because she’s a crackhead.

Here’s what I don’t get, though: Billing placement is one of those things you or your agent negotiate with the studio ahead of time along with your pay and bennies. So either this was the best her agent could do regarding her relative Q rating versus her costars, and she just got a free upgrade thanks to Twitter or

Yes! But I love that, even though they play her sleeping around for laughs, they never play the “she’s such a slut!” card, you know what I mean? When Bowfinger confronts her about it, she just says, “So what?” and he’s like, “I never thought of it that way.” So good. I think that’s partly why that joke still holds up.

The English off their hometurf are famous for being drunk, belligerent arseholes all across “the continent”, as they so charmingly refer to the rest of Europe.

“the alleged killer who live-streamed the attack identified himself as FUCK FACE”

“I’d say Chappelle and Rock are at least as good looking as Eddie Murphy.”

Young Chris Rock. Young Halle Berry. Robyn Givens with her fastball. Grier and Lawrence. And Eartha Kitt, Geoffrey Holder. Grace Jones.

I find it remarkable that Halle Berry was so ingratiating in this movie, one of her first, and yet somehow, imo, became less appealing even as her career grew. I think Berry, while not a great actor, that she was a natural romantic comedy star and Hollywood a) wasn’t interested in black romantic comedies and b)

So while the film definitely feels rooted in the time and place of the early 1990s, it doesn’t look unpleasantly dated—an impressive trick to pull off.”

If you’re gonna watch one Murphy film that doesn’t follow his usual route then that film has to be Bowfinger!

I miss the 90's black comedies that weren’t about the Hood. They were great to watch and gave me hope that Hollywood was expanding its horizons in how it depicted people who looked like me and my family.

Dreamgirls WAS his renaissance, but he got pissed he didn’t win an Oscar so he turned his back on it.


I mean - EXACTLY.

After rejecting Charlemagne’s proposal of “straight cash payouts” for black people with a flat “no,” Sanders said, “Well, then there’s a check to every Native American who were nearly wiped out when the settlers first came here.” (Potential followup question: sure, why not?)

Not to mention that the account is pushing the narrative that Bernie is trying to buy votes in an article where Bernie opposes cash payout reparations.