
You cracking your noggin will make a great Meet Cute story when he calls next week like {English Accent},”Tonja, ever since our interview, I can’t get you out of me ‘ead! I’ve rid meself of me pesky fiance and I want-a give a big-haired bird such as ye-self a go-round. What say?!”

Oh, his co-workers knew. That’s why the houses were never condemned or cited as nuisances. Scratch a little harder on this and I’ll bet multiple officers were in on this: steering customers, recruiting sex workers and taking a nice cut. Making a few arrests there per year to make things look good.

I’m not sure what your deal is, having seen your “please explain” comments on the school bribery story but I’ll respond to you once.

All to perpetuate the very obvious lie of white supremacy! To be able to support the lie with the virtually irrefutable proof of an Ivy league diploma?! Which will gain these rich famous people’s kids exactly WHAT that their rich famous life wouldn’t afford them otherwise?! Not a job! They were going to have fabulous

Yeessss! The mother’s vehement response to the recent onslaught was curious...NOW, the picture becomes clear: she screwed him in return for career help for her daughter and came to find out he went after her daughter, got her pregnant and married her?! Yeah, that’s enough to make any mother’s head explode -even

It sounds to me like he was running whorehouses and this woman wouldn’t be recruited. He made sure that she couldn’t tell her tale but we can certainly figure out what was happening in the back of that unmarked car. But woe unto him that kills a white woman, no matter who she was! 

Former 911 Operator here (running names and plates all day): they do it all day everyday! They see you in traffic or wherever, run your plate like it’s a traffic issue. If they can’t pull you over then (and play Officer Studly), they ‘set up’ around your house at times you’ll likely come out. Then they stop you and

This article is excellent! To correlate the ‘economic anxiety’ on a generational level using Mr. Garner’s family as an example is simply inspired! I loved every single word.

M’yteatchu, princess of the great forest, mother of panthers, punisher of line-crossers, breaker of chains, destroyer of Beckies.”

Karen has made plenty of bad choices in her THIRTY YEARS of life...including that tramp stamp! She’s rolling around in that video because she knows she can never again post to social media.

No, all the artists who’ve died penniless, homeless, depressed and distraught because they were bamboozled out of their creations by those better-versed in business, backed by large entities or just slicker-than-your-average is more scummy. Just because the thieving was codified into trademark/patent law doesn’t mean

Never respond to the scolds here who want to police everyone else’s thoughts and language. She’s never written anything insightful, intuitive, thought-provoking, funny or original.

Great read and informative to boot. Once again, we’re bamboozled by our lack of knowledge (trademarks, IP) when we graduate hundreds of thousands of kids from HBCUs with degrees in these very subjects! If only Black professionals could have guided or advised the woman when they first saw this trend on social media!

She certainly veered off into Mean Ole Auntie territory, huh? Wives should be responsible for what their husbands do when the hubby is cheating (and abusing)?! She knows “for a FACT” ( I can just picture her neck-swivel when she hit that word) what Michael Jackson was or was not doing in his mansion and around the

“But Kylie Jenner constantly insisting that she’s self-made is infuriating...”

Does exposing a child’s penis to other kids warrant some police intervention? What would she have done if the child had been a girl? Or if he had to poop? Isn’t the very idea of emptying a trash can more abhorrent than allowing an interruption to what you’re doing or having a kid outside the classroom? If she was

I wish I had more money to donate to Planned Parenthood. I also wish white women cared about this as much as they care about yoga, avocados, cats, perfume and food allergies and getting fat. Then we'd never have to worry about finding PP again. 

Ooooo weeee! They are really throwing the book at Ole Yella! Wonder of who’ll show up at trial to support him?

“When you are black and blue, the hammer gets dropped on you.”

We would be LETHAL together!!!! I’m close, suburban Detroit. If life looks up for me by Summer, maybe I’ll swing over! Haven’t been since 2011 or so...TasteFest, dear departed Filene’s Basement, Second City and Navy Pier!