Bad sneakers and a piña colada, my friend
Bad sneakers and a piña colada, my friend
She is, right?
Well of course. Accountability’s important. It just irks me in general when they - obviously not you - only talk about that, and even as a blerd who was teased as well, I’ve seen some of us literally take that experience and act anti-Black af by arguing “speaking well,” instead of “broken English”- I prefer to speak…
They let y’all talk about Malcolm X in black history month? I woulda never heard of Malcolm X if I was going based on in school programming.
Also: showing up on the red carpet in a custom Lagerfeld tux = fuck right off with asking him to do something that requires lunging, squatting, and sweating. Not to mention, it’s also disrespectful to treat it as something that can be reduced to soundbites—it’s a ritual performance that isn’t meant to be chopped up…
This is why I read Splinter. There are times when you should feel uncomfortable. This is one of them.
As someone who lived in texas for 20 years, I agree. Hell, the monument should be smashed for celebrating treason and a distorted version of history.
WTF. I never even heard my racist Alabaman grandmother say the n-word. It’s a pretty low bar... If you somehow drop racial slurs while drunk maybe you should never drink. Nobody says it on “accident” who hasn’t said it on purpose a few times.
She had a bunch of other things to ask him about: Aquaman being number one worldwide, directing commercials, directing videos, directing episodes of his Netflix shows, his custom suit by Karl Lagerfeld, his fight for tribal rights etc. she had no clue how to interact on the red carpet.
Yeah I was going for Pat Benatar isn’t Toni Basil just like Jason Momoa isn’t Maori.
I once had a curly weave that was super extra. If Chaka Khan and Diana Ross’ hair could make a baby, it would be this weave kind of extra. Before a class I was talking with a classmate when she yelled out, “Are you petting her hair?” The white guy that always sat next to me was really petting my weave, forget that it…
Says a lot about his thought process that “this man had a family” was not an assumption.
The Canadians also played a HUGE role in the operation to rescue those hostages, and guess, THE CANADIANS WERE PISSED. Adding a car chase to a movie “based on actual events” to increase the suspense is cinematic license. Erasing a person or a group’s role in history, or completing distorting that history, is insulting…
Can I make a profit making movie about one of your dead relatives who was notoriously private? Hey, he told me it was OK, and not to make it until after they were dead.
When the family of the topic of your film, a family you claim you didn’t know existed, takes a steaming dump all over your film would it be wise to award said film the highest honor it could possibly receive? Yeah didn’t think so. I really don’t know why people get so worked up over this but they do. Do you really…
This is so obviously a whole-ass lie. Who does he think he’s fooling?
He wanted to make a movie about his daddy; but, his father was an unremarkable man. So, he stole the legacy of a talented musician and the history of Black Americans to elevate his father’s average life (and make some money).