
There are plenty of community mores that vary by the respective groups that establish them. Also, Obama is literally not a part of the communities he often critiques. He’s a wealthy corporatist who’s spent an inordinate amount of time trying to arbitrate the appropriate standards by which lower-income Black folks

There are lots of moments like this detailed in Fear. He just fails to think about even basic concepts that don’t comport to his ideals. You ever have an older person just dig their heels in and doesn’t listen because they ‘know better’ and are older even though they’re clearly wrong? That.

They are the same as America but the difference is, they need the rest of Europe because they are fucking morons.

It’s okay to not get into the detailed origins of everything you talk about. Really, it is. Cheeky Blakk won’t die if Barack Obama, when asked a question about how to change the narrative perception of young black men, doesn’t delve in depth on a topic that’s really a throwaway line to give the broader advice of “Don’

It could be worse, we could be Britain right now. I swear I am so grateful for the self inflicted idiocy of the English over Brexit, it is the only thing keeping us from being the world’s biggest laughing stock.

I wish that people would laugh in the face of the lazy corrupt racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people.

Dumb as a bag of hammers. I’m 58 years old & in most of my adult life I’ve been in unions. Unions have MOU’s with companies. These are the binding contracts between the two entities to ensure fair labor practices, benefits & structure in order to have smooth running operations on both sides of the table. Even I know

Tessa Thompson’s Independent Spirit Award’s dress is everything I want to be right now!

“An MOU is a contract. It’s the way trade agreements are generally [established]. It’s an actual contract between the two parties. A memo of understanding is a binding agreement.”

...a student asked Barack Obama how to change the narrative on how men of color are generally perceived.”

Putin: “Glad we’re alone Mr. President, away from all those bureaucrats, da?

This man has been alone in a room making deals with the likes of Putin and Kim Jong Un and I don’t think we’re going to know just how awful those deals were until it’s way past too late.

I definitely prefer Tessa Thompson’s look above to the Oscars one. The Chanel dress looked bunchy and confining, and the double-ruffle business felt like a schoolmarm trying to be fun. She didn’t look at ease in it. This dress looks easy, you know? She’s wearing it, and not the other way around.

My DVR is already set to record this, twice, in case the 1st scheduled recording doesn’t work as it should. The Negro Motorist Green Book is another thing which perfectly documents the times in which those who relied on it lived. I’ll be watching this with my kids this weekend.

No coincidence how as unions got more diverse the anti-union movement gained more power and influence. It saddens me to see people spout the business owners’ lines about the evils of unions based off of decades of propaganda against organized labor - the same organized labor that allowed for weekends, holidays,

Isn’t Obama speaking more towards pop culture imagery here than specifics? Unlike, say, Bill Cosby, I assume Obama is savvy enough to know there aren’t roving bands of twerking women looking for rich rappers to dance around.

But does it have a white guy teaching a black pianist who Little Richard is? Because if it doesn’t, I can’t be bothered.

The fact that these kids actually did it and some found it funny says a lot about the way black kids are being raised now days. My daughter would have turnt that field trip OUT! When I think back on all the times her father and I were called to the school because of some white shenanigans she refused to accept I can’t

So Wali Cathcart is basically Uncle Ruckus, is what I’m getting from all of this.

*slow clap*