Burndy Burndy Burn

That was a weird article. The first para of Jeremy Peter’s story set up a narrative of Fiorina doing for women and the GOP what Marco Rubio was supposed to do for Latino voters, but further into the story Peters points out the problems the Republicans have with reproductive rights and all the positive quotes only come

Nooooo!!!!! Do not go anywhere near the name of that book/movie. Saddest story I've ever read! Actually, my fourth grade teacher read it to the whole class. Picture 28 little kids crying their eyes out.

Will the Democratic debates be as batshit insane as the three hours we witnessed last night?

I don’t think you know what communism or socialism actually mean. Sanders is, truly, party to neither of those ideas in full. Further, what does the qualifier “boring” have to do with the noun “liar?” Would you rather an exciting or entertaining liar who wages a global war and robs its constituency blind?

suck it trebek

As the mother of a young girl:

Poverty, poor education, poor health, gun worship, racism, high levels or religiosity, all of these seem to go hand in hand in a lovely bouquet of intractable problems.

A 13-year shoe deal!?! Man, I wish I had your lawyers.

Buffalo Wild Wings’ hot sauce can’t melt steel beams

Is he saying his 9/11 cakes were an inside job?

I know that driving home from the game after you got ejected sucks, but you really shouldn’t browse the internet on your phone while you’re driving.

Someone thought you skipped dinner and is offering you a word salad.

“So here’s some dickhead, wearing a Red Sox cap.”

And then he didn’t even apologize. That makes him doubly at fault.

sounds like quite the racket

I love her and her gap tooth. Cuuuutie.

Guy Barbieri?

Oh that’s FUNNY. Hah, thanks for looking them up!