Burndy Burndy Burn

Well, sárgabarack.

“When Michelle and I came into office....”

I haaaaaaaaaaaaate this

Shia LeBouf will RISE AGAIN.

Theres something incredibly hilarious about the lack of self-awareness in an ultra-nationalist making a horrible comparison in an attempt to warn about ultra-nationalism.

Curt Schilling: living proof that when you put your foot in your mouth and shoot your mouth off, you wind up shooting yourself in the foot.

Honorable mention:

If you have to ask why there’s a motorcycle dude in space, then ....

Watch the movie. Love the music.
Be honest about the man who made the music.

As Dee said in her piece... being a genius doesn’t dissolve you of your faults.

“I hated Jordy got hurt, but in my beliefs, and the way I believe, it was — God meant for Jordy to get hurt,” said Quin, a devoted Christian.

let’s start with the entire GOP presidential field, all the duggars, subway jared, bill cosby, and anyone who’s ever hosted the view

There’s too much garbage in space already. I am only in favor of launching live, insufferable people into the moon, dead ones should stick to polluting Earth like god intended.

need moar info: north or south of the mason-dixie line?

See the film if you want, don’t pay for it. Either watch a rip online or buy a ticket to see Fantastic Four (’cause, let’s face it, it could use the $15 at this point) and then just wander into the “wrong” theatre.

I understand the “death of the artist” argument as it relates to the actual art. But I really don’t understand the argument that if you like the art, you must support any and all masturbatory, white-washed depictions of the artist.

I have listened to Straight outta Compton hundreds of times. Dre’s not getting my money. We broke up.

Your race has nothing to do with this.

Well, I know it’s going to be easy to criticize this guy and everything he did but, in fairness, I think he did a great job directing Argo.