
[Tents fingers]

[Tents fingers]

I just planted a ransomware virus on the Kinja platform…..

I just planted a ransomware virus on the Kinja platform…..

Iron Maiden rules!!!!!!

I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

YES, the STRIDEMOTHER gets the final comment. I'd love it!

Hello darkness my old friend…..

8/23 was an INSIDE JOB!!!!!
Kinja cant melt steel beams!!
Don't vaccinate your kids!!!!

He put it with a red flag in Outlook. He'll do it soon. It's absolutely on his to do list.

[Kills Frank Stallone]

Kinja is just a social construct!!!!

I for one welcome our new Kinja overlords

That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough.

Whenever Kinja's not on screen, all the other Disqus characters should be asking "Where's Kinja"?

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives.

One last time just for nostalgia….

Kinja cured cancer and aids!!!!!

Meh, come on. He just had a severe eating disorder.

"Not to mention, this whole, shout-based system of government remains incredibly fragile."