
Alison Brie is very sexy and attractive and I would like to have intimate relations with her.

Oh, dear god….

Hehe, I know you're joking, but someone gotta say the obvious sometimes. It's because men and women are different. Women shouldn't drink as much because they have a different biology than men. Their endocrinology and meta/katabolism are different(on average). Not everything is a "social construct". Several things can

It's very complicated, I know.

Almost every subthread here is about what is allowed or not allowed to say or write. I'm gonna go somewhere else where people aren't such tools and judgmental fools. I'm sure there are places on the internet where the compassion and empathy are sincere. For posterity look at the commenters names(myself included

In Sweden we have maybe 8 parties(for simplicity). The leftist party and the environmentalist party(even more to the left) have in the national elections 7% and 4% approximitely. Among journalist as a group that figure is considerably higher. It's naive to think that that wouldn't be reflected in their writing. A

Nu djävlar, nu djävlar alltså.
"You released the fucking fury" (the correct quote, I think)

Yeah, I don't really know if I'm serious or not. You certainly don't mention Yngwie around these parts for the upvotes, that's for sure…hehe. I had a friend who lived in the apartment below/above (don't really remember which ) Yngwie in Stockholm many many years ago. He used to annoy the neighbors because he

Needs more Yngwie Malmsteen!!….:)
Also: Necrophagist - Stabwound

Bring back Bob Hope Is God!!, he was so funny….

In all seriousness I just wear what's comfortable. I'm either behind on some trending curve or way ahead, I will never know. Who the fuck really cares or have the time to keep up with this nonsense.

"The rowing adventures of Gendry"
It's gonna run for 2845 seasons.

So cute!
The youtube video at the end is fine as well, I guess..

Yes I know. It's called confirmation bias and/or motivated reasoning.

It also cites a research study that looked at IMDB and found that movie stars often have unhappy marriages. The only thing more surprising than that is that the Post had to research this.
The correct citation of the article is:
A multipart study from Harvard University, University of La Verne and Santa Clara University

The real lesson from this thread(and in many other threads on a variety of subjects across the internet) could possibly be to learn more about a subject/situation before passing judgement AND/OR pointing fingers.
Or to put it in a slightly different way part #1: People have an almost infinite ability to not care about

"new york city itself will be the real main character."

The funniest gag was always when people were butchering Bud's Grandmaster B persona, the tough rapper from the mean streets of NY, that could kill in 3 different ways from the fetal position.

I'm betting the previous noise complaints were for blasting Mambo no 5, Tubthumping, Macarena and Informer.