
Difficult People is really good. Hyperspecific and snarky dialogue. Very funny, like a certain comment section come to life, only you know, not so repetitive….=)

I always follow the links provided in the articles. They always just leads to more AVC-articles and in this case to Teenvogue and Marie Claire. In yesterdays article about Kesha it was TMZ, Yotube, Hollywood Reporter and more AVC-articles.
This is social justice for children.
Too bad.

The correct answer is(Ok fine, I admit, it's subjective):
Dio=Iain Gillan>Ozzy(voice)

Huh? Interesting. I mean it. Could explain it.

That's a theory as good as any. Or an aneurysm?

I'd like a super serious answer from Buzz on why he capitalize letters mid-sentence. Like really explain it. No snark, no jokes, just the reasoning(or lack there of).

Cock flavored spit, ehh?
Stop it. My penis can only get so erect.

Excuse me.
It's actually spelled RAMPAAAAAGE!!!! and one should always have Sterling Malory Archer's voice in mind.

This pun thread is much ado(be) about nothing.

Liam Neeson as Mr Plow, Tom Bateman as the Plow King?
I'm confused.

"I need help reacting to something"
(I think it's time for a rewatch of Community soon, so many quotable lines)

Thank you, that's a much better way to put it.

Yeah, you're supposed to be exposed to micro organisms as part of building your immune system.
On the other hand when you're on a public toilet it's sometimes gross to sit down on the seat, but think about it, the back of your thighs are not the critical area for transmitting diseases. It's people NOT washing their

Yes it absolutely make you wonder how many of the "casual readers"(their words not mine) see the comments as part of the actual content of the site. That would be an interesting number to see.

Half a million people with vuvuzelas should work. Those horrible instruments at the 2010 FIFA world cup(just to clarify).

Think about the Seans, the Katies, the Esthers, the Barsantis etc. They had dreams dammit! Dreams of writing the next great american novel. Now they write propaganda for halfwits every day.
Univision: "We need more clown noses on the Donald Trump pics for a couple of more clicks. The halfwits react better to "funny"

I hope Jordan Peele continues to make wise choices.
His next project should be:
The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel

Just typed "Jimmy" to see what Google had to say about it with their autofill feature.
Got Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Choo….
Jimmy Choo….."He is best known for co-founding Jimmy Choo Ltd, which became known for its handmade women's shoes".

Oh hai Chris Brown
Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep……..

Idk, it's a perfectly cromulent fetish/idiom.