
We knew from the moment we were told we’d be moving to Kinja that it would be a major overhaul. We knew we’d be trying to take a decade-plus of content—filed according to its own complex, not exactly modular organization system—and fit into someone else’s platform, then asking the administrators of that platform to

People could also hide secret messages in the Discussion section of any article on the new and improved AV Club site. If the discussion gets popular, you can be damn sure your comment will be hidden since there’s no way to view comments in descending order - or change the order in any way at all - your comment will

Not editing comments is a feature. Not being able to browse through comments in chronological order is a feature. Not being able to nest comments is a feature. Not being able to load more than like five comments at once is a feature. A ton of empty white space so that you can only see at max four comments at a time is