
In my RSS-feed if I click on an article it turns grey indicating that I’ve read it. This is very practical. Just now I updated the site and 5 articles turned grey at the same time. Apparently I have read 5 articles at the same time with just one click. That’s a lot of clicks at the same time. MONEY!!!!!

Testing, Testing, Tusk, Tusk

Stop it, my penis can only get so erect.

Stop it, my penis can only get so erect.



Hey Look, it's Enrico Pallazzo!

Hey Look, it's Enrico Pallazzo!

If Moses were a woman, the jews wouldn't be stuck in the desert for 40 years because she would have asked for direction.

If Moses were a woman, the jews wouldn't be stuck in the desert for 40 years because she would have asked for direction.



This is how you get ants.

This is how you get ants.

I just wanted to say good luck Kinja, we're all counting on you.

I just wanted to say good luck Kinja, we're all counting on you.

Never go with a hippie to a second location.

Never go with a hippie to a second location.

Internet is overrated

Internet is overrated