
Exactly. I might add that I don't know Maher's intent with inviting Milo, but in hindsight it was actually a good idea, imho. I don't follow these things that closely and now it became obvious that Milo is a smarmy charlatan, a keyboard warrior, a cretin, an intellectual lightwight. Milo tries to go "mainstream" and

The Reasonable discussions are on Wednesdays. You must now edit your post to say something snarky or you'll get that horrible disease for firsties.*

I'm guessing you already know so I'm just gonna post this link to the Waking Up podcast for the readers here.

Sure, let's go with that interpretation…=)
Here, have an upvote.

Hehe, it's a horrible song both musically and lyrically, almost naive but yeah it's NOT about the US. There's a big debate here in Sweden about the police force(who do not gun down people to the right and left btw).
Whenever you say something to a commenter here about caring about other issues than arguing with little

I mean I know why they're doing it. John Teti even said flat out that it's what's "keeping the lights on". It's just not for me anymore or not as much as before. Every other newswire is about Donald Trump and if the newswire or a review isn't about Donald Trump try to count how many comments go by before it starts

No one cares about these guys in Sweden. They had a minor hit 7 years ago. Even I don't care to research exactly what they mean by this song. The AVC just keeps getting weirder and weirder when coming up with the outrage clickbait articles. I'm deeply confused and offended by this type of "journalism"….=)

Well, he's definitely moving backwards in time on a number of subjects….

Wonder how it will taste if you put meals from Taco Bell and Chipotle in a giant blender and then drink it, cause I like a little from column A and a little from column B popculture wise.
And dick jokes of course.

This is what you actually get paid from the stridemothers. There's no Ferraris or Alfa Romeos. True story. SAD!

"Whenever a newswire about Donald Trump isn't on the screen all the commenters should ask- Where is a newswire about Donald Trump?"

You're probably right, but it's also a little depressing/sad that we get the news that we deserve(to a certain extent) by reading the click bait articles. We, the public, are also the algorithm and we choose to ignore articles that maybe paint a different picture, so the media eventually "learns" what to write. We

Yeah, you read the TV-line article and OP the Deadline article. Let's just say that OP shouldn't do math.
Maybe it's not important in the grand scheme of things, because this is the post-truth era or whatever and telling lies serves a higher purpose. Like it's a religion or a cult or something similar.
Here is the

The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. The writers eventually learn what's bringing in the clicks and they can point to numbers when needed for their CV. They can still care about some issue, but as in this case it came out a little bit inane.

And are we even sure people care about this sh*t? I mean in this newswire it's the same handful of commenters who are always outraged in every article. How do we know that for every moronic tweet up there in the article, there isn't 3500 tweets pointing out the ridiculousness of it all? That is never mentioned

Agreed, but if we try(just a try, mind you) to be a little fair to the writer, these newswires are probably like a "factory assembly line" for drumming up outrage and generate clicks, without much more effort than sitting at your desk reading twitter and reddit. The writers must fill their daily quota of bullsh*t

I've seen people here propose what kind of excuses are legit and then compared those to people who have actually had to make excuses. It's not about the wording or phrasing. There's always something "wrong" with them.

Agreed. The AVC want it to be pop-culture adjacent, though, so they can maybe cover if Angelina Jolie goes to a war-torn African country or Amal Clooney(George's wife) have a complicated legal process for human rights.
But you just know there would be crickets and tumbleweeds all over the place and it would take some

I wouldn't call it Hitler bad, but perhaps like Joseph Fritzl or Ted Kaczynski. It's still pretty bad and my heart goes out to those rocks and the people who worship those rocks.
This newswire is an amazing piece of journalism and I immediately followed Richey Collazo on twitter.

I like the historical aspect of it and if we look to the future it's time to think about where the hell people are gonna work when you can create a billion dollar company from your garage with 3 employees and a good idea. Or the robots take over(not as in some sci-fi movie) the factories. Someone made a joke that in