
Yeah, your last paragraph is probably a better, more nuanced way to say it. If the thread had been more active(or my comment was one of the first or at the top) I'd probably take more caution to express myself in a more diplomatic way.

Yeah, r/askscience is awesome. The posts with the most points(is that the correct lingo?) are almost always on point and to my limited knowledge correct.
And I like the attitude of "Hey, you're entitled to your own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts

My take on it as an outsider(see username) is that many americans seems very caught up in the "trench war" between democrats and republicans and that it has a very direct effect on the reasoning. Ideology becomes more important than truth(whatever that is). Once in a while I see some very good analysis here and just

Very funny.
The people I'd like to take a poke at also happens to be the most popular on this site, so not gonna do it. It has nothing to do with free speech. It just has to do with the enourmous "wall of text" you'd have to wade through, with claims to the right and left.
They have cornered a little thin slice of

That's why I wrote the "No". The upvote was because I thought your comment was funny.

Haha No, he gave us the consensus of AV-Club. I'm betting he has a Word-macro on his computer named exactly "consensus" and then just press Enter….=)

Yeah, who are these people on the left who constantly deride, ridicule and demonize the working class as racist, sexist and well, dumb. The very people they are supposed to care for and help. What is actually going on here?. Why has it come to this?
What went wrong?
I don't like it one bit.


Oh, I was not sarcastic. I thought it was genuinely funny.

I like how we sort of break Godwin's law by cutting to the important stuff in just a few comments now….=)

"You know who else was just following orders?"
Adolf Hitler.
(Shane Black can still be funny)

I'm sure there will be 47389 thinkpieces about it.
Please remove 47386.
P.S I'm not a crackpot…=)

The examples I've seen on identity politics is that it's a limited political philosophy. I may have to learn more about it though, this much I admit.
This will be my last post on the subject.

Yes I am from Sweden and a democratic socialist, so I'm not sure if I'm going to agree with all of it.
But if I can find the time I will read with an open mind.

I'm in no real position to judge that article, but at least it has some mentions about economy and the working class. The liberals on this site seem to be only interested in racism and sexism. This is not to be interpreted as though I don't find those topics importrant, but the economy is such an integral part of

OK, then!….=)

He said that?

I wanna know what Trumps actual arguments are, like literally. And can we assume for one second that he actually means something when he says the system is rigged and that he's not crazy. The only thing I know about is that they constantly making the voting process harder and harder, be it the registration or just

MySpace gave me Progeria…..