
Oh, you mean when it took two of the most high profile and highly regarded MCs from us? Yeah, that was a bad thing.

Can we stop this shit? Can we stop with this “Wasn’t it great when we murdered each other over music battles” bullshit? No, no it wasn’t. Go say that shit to Biggie’s kid and see where it gets you.

Why is Griot?

I find myself wanting Shuri to take over from Tony as Iron... Person. I know there’s an Iron Man comic book run with a young teenage black girl taking up the suit, but I thought for the movies, Shuri would be an easy one to move over into that spot.

I am Griot.

I can’t help focusing on the differences between Dolores’ and Maeve’s journeys. Dolores has been guided and coached along her journey to self awareness by at least one man (Arnold), possibly two (Ford), or even three if you count all those adventures with William. Meanwhile, Maeve has been exploring on her own. She

Is Dolores free? With all of her melodramatic speachifying, I am assuming she is apart of Ford’s latest “bloody” narrative (which William is playing) that started with shooting him. Meanwhile Maeve is actually, or at least moreseo, “woke” as she was able to be all “uh, jolly for you” and disarm Dolores’ nonesense. I

We saw that right off the train when we first meet him, when he linked arms with both a male and female host, made some remark about making the most of it, and walked away to intake

In the first season Ford remarks that the early versions of the hosts repeated themselves (as Dolores does with Arnold at the same time as the open scene with Logan), broke down easily, and could be detected with “a simple handshake.”

So what version of the hosts are we seeing at the party at the opening of the

All this has happened and will happen again.

What if you and I are the hosts?

I noticed the textile block and it is from the Millard House.

Dolores is like the Night King on GoT. Kills other hosts and then resurrects them to be on her side.

Also, it’s an interesting contrast how the manipulative Maeve just wants to get her daughter and flee while the previously innocent Dolores who was our moral center last season has become manipulative, cruel, and violent to the point of recruiting Hosts meant to emulate CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS. Another point is how this

Favorite line: “Fuck you, Robert.”

I’m wondering how far the hosts have already extended into “real” society. We know that Ford has the capacity to hide hosts in plain sight among real people (Bernard in S1). We’ve now seen in S2 that hosts have been deployed in the real world for various functions. Where does it end? Are Delos replacing real

Oh I’m pretty sure that was canonized last season at a whorehouse.

I really like Logan this time around. That was some speech he gave.

Hi, Giancarlo. Bye, Giancarlo. Glad I wasn’t spoiled for that, but I wish he would’ve stuck around a little longer.