
I liked Trainwreck just fine; the problem is that movie seemed like a perfect distillation of her entire act and persona to date, leaving her with little more to work with.


I think people are mistaken in treating Roseanne Connor’s views as views the show itself (and Barr herself) is advocating. Roseanne is depicted pretty unflatteringly in the conflict with Jackie- unable to apologize and a browbeating bully and, ultimately, not really able to defend her vote terribly well. And Jackie

I think what’s rubbing people the wrong way is that she’s not the Archie Bunker here, whose ignorance is played for humor but ultimately we all know she’s in the wrong. According to a dear friend and critic:

“You want government to give everyone healthcare because you’re a goodhearted person who can’t do simple math.”

I get that Roseanne is making her character pro-Trump because she is in real life, but I have to say I think it fits the character of Roseanne Connor perfectly. She’s the kind of person who would have voted for a “self made billionaire” carnival barker who promised to help the working class. The Connors are who Trump

Seriously, though, what happened in the final season? Stop pulling my leg, you guys...

I don’t need to watch Roseanne to experience the life of a Trump voter. I live in the US.

I respectfully disagree.

Did we really just full on ignore the old timey sitcom that was Connor’s mini-me son calling him a fat bastard right after answering him with ‘Same as you!’ like he was a 55 yr old ornery bar fly? Can this show immediately pivot please?

I knew Gene was coming back and I still chortled when he did.

Yeah, that seemed like an odd choice when Tom Hanks is right there as a universally likable figure.

The magic of Bob’s burgers is in how multi demensional most of the characters are. Zeke could easily be a stereotype with a catch phrase that moves into generic dumb jock or bully territory but instead they’ve made him complex with his own weird and awesome personality.

You forgot the best line of the episode.

“Don’t make me get up, I’m very comfortable.”

Everybody likes Matt Damon? The animation lead time really shows here.

“What’s wrong with bangs? I banged you, I banged Mom, I’m gonna bang everyone at school.”

“Why does Rudy have Matthew McConnaughey’s posture?”

I have not seen this episode yet but I for sure will, especially since I now know that it features Regular-Sized Rudy, the greatest fictional character of all time

Zeke is a delight, and any episode that features him is a great episode. Also, yay! Mort’s back!!