
I’m frankly fed up with seeing female scientists cast as the villains, and more classically beautiful and glamorous, and less bookish, women cast as the heroes. What message are the filmmakers trying to push here?

Pretty sure you can still pick up Archie’s Pals & Gals Digest at the supermarket checkout line.

Came here to post this - my kids have watched too much of that Vampirina show that I couldn’t read Vamperonica without reading it interchangeably.

If you’ve seen the totality of Wiig’s work you’d see she can play anything. What you’re calling a “specialty” is basically typecasting that dogged her early career. Something she’s only fairly recently been able to get away from with stuff like Welcome to Me, Nasty Baby, The Martian and Mother!.

Two points.

First, I think it’s fine for actors to branch out from their perceived niches or specialties. By the logic stated, Jim Carrey should never have been cast in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and yet he was amazing in that role. Perhaps we are selling her a bit short to presume she couldn’t be glamorous

And also? He kind of looks like he has bad breath.

Kriezler seems like that friend who’s fun to be around in college because he’s smart and his shit-stirring can be amusing (until it’s turned on you), but is a total friggin’ nightmare to work with when he become a colleague.

From the beginning of the series, the one thing that has bothered me is why does anyone want to be around Kriezler in the first place? He’s so mean.

You mean Uma Thurman in glasses in Batman Forever wasn’t nerdy enough for you?

The thing about Cheetah, though, is that since all the way back to her first appearance, she’s usually written as starting out as an incredibly insecure person (a socialite snob in her first incarnation, an obsessive academic in her latest one) whose new super-powers and ultra-aggressive personality act as a

Just got home from seeing it and I’m still processing but I feel like it’s top 3 in the MCU hands down. Great performances from Chadwick Boseman, Lupita Nyong’o, and Danai Gurira. Letitia Wright steals the show — as T’Challa’s little genius sister -- but this is Michael B. Jordan’s movie and he’s a great villain, with

I’d thank you not to refer to Princeton that way.

I didn’t get the grades for whore school, but clown college turned out to be a decent safety.

A Black Widow film would be so great. I think that Scarlett truly owns that role and she’d do such a good job in a solo movie. Damn you Marvel. Give us the movie already!

Let’s be real here, the reason to see this is because it’s as close as we’ll probably ever get to to the Black Widow solo flick that Marvel will never quite get around to making. 

Just remember folks: When we complain about the AV Club’s lax journalistic standards, it could be worse

“Why limit your information this way?”

Either you were serious, or that was the most delightful use of “Tropic Thunder” I have encountered in ages. (I’m going with the latter, because that made me laugh, which would be inappropriate if it is the former.)

I thought Bassett got more to do than Rene Russo did in two Thor movies. 

I’m thinking its going to be revealed to him that he was “protected” by the boy before the assault- something he doesn’t know and will surely lead to some relief and confusion, and then potentially connection w/ the protector boy that helped him?