
Barbie aside since it obviously made a ton of money, but this trend is one my theories as to why movie box offices are down. There’s little reason to go to a theater to see a movie when you can just wait a few weeks and watch it at home. Home entertainment equipment is good enough nowadays that its just not worth it

So, respectfully, as a non-American you’re missing a ton of political context to this song and its lyrics. The sense that an increasingly stratified wealthy class is throwing the majority into poverty is not specifically partisan. But there are many tells that give away this performer’s leanings.

You know what, he’s right. Blonde was shit. Armas is obviously talented, but even she seemed reduced to histrionics because of the garbage material she was working with.

That’s kinda always been a risk for writers, producers, and anyone who has developed a project though. The studio could change its mind or the investors might disappear, throwing away months or years of work. As for projects that have actually been filmed, when low-rated broadcast shows have been cancelled in the

One of the Batman's most inexplicable decision was hiring someone as distinctive as Farrell only to use a practical effects deepfake of De Niro's performance in the Untouchables onto him for the movie.

Goddamn, I fucking hate every shit-ass word of that corporate-speak horseshit. Anyone who utters words like, “We’re really on track for a lot of asset value creation and free cashflow generation,” and “we’re coming from an irrational time of overspending with limited focus on return on investment,” shouldn’t be

“Angelina Jolie reveals that she is related to Jon Voight in new interview”

I love this show, every single second of it. I don’t care if it’s slow at times, or it messes with Tolkien’s timelines or whatever. Tolkien’s books will always be there, I will always be able to return to them. This show takes the world and fills it with interpretations of the events from the books - it’s not a

Honest question: If everyone looking to better themselves is accused of faking it, then what’s the point of demanding and wanting terrible people to better themselves?

It seems like you can’t ever work on yourself and try to be better without everyone pointing out how terrible you were and that you are beyond

Is it sabotaging the press tour for him to respond (with evidence) to some pretty damaging claims about him that the director chose to make VERY publicly in what would appear to be an attempt to distract from her flailing through various personal and professional failings?

I love this completely unbiased and non-partisan take on the personal life of an actor. Top quality journalism right here!

I came here for this comment, and the bittersweet nostalgia it would trigger for the AV Club that once was.

I got a Community notification for this!

Thank you for summarizing this. It is sad how little cultural competency avclub has when it comes to issues that focus on Black people/culture. It was the same misunderstanding of Keke Palmer/Zendaya stuff.

It was mostly on Black twitter, not surprised that folks around here weren’t aware of it and don’t seem to grasp it, really. This article leaves out that crucial context: it wasn’t the internet in general that went in on Zoe Kravitz, it was Black people specifically and I think knowing that helps frame her

Yes, in S1E1 he gives the Brazos speech to Mabel while trying to break in Bunny’s apartment. he says, “My father was a Charles. I’m a junior.”

I have never wanted to see a DC movie more IN MY LIFE.

The producers had to hire a special tailor and develop a new type of fabric to make Jonathan Majors’ white tee that tight.

It’s a nice quote by Thandie as it gives every entertainment site the ability to create a headline that a lot of of people will click on (thinking Cruise did something horrible to her). But the actual story is pretty tame and the interview itself reminds me of better days when the AV Club used to be the site doing

This movie made me mad to realize how completely WASTED Cavill was in Man of Steel. He has charm for days when he’s allowed to.