Swarles Barkley

Was it vanilla extract? My brain inserts him drinking maraschino cherry juice in my memory of the episode.

Because... the studio is trying to promote the movie? It made a promotional video and likely sent out press packs pushing it. I’m not sure I understand what is confusing about what it obviously studio promotional materials.

I can’t really see there being any chance of them getting back together, and I think their reactions to each other during their family reunion shows that. Now if Dr. Jacob lasts, and if he gets to keep his license or not, that’s a different story.

I do think they missed a shot at some more interesting music choices while they were in Manchester, especially with the Hacienda hotel and all.

How is SpaceX not Professional? NASA hires them to shuttle people and goods to and from the ISS. For profit. As a money making commercial venture.

Here’s a load of speculation on the Paul Revere line in the LFO song:

I know exactly what you mean. My girlfriend is an alcoholic and she uses "but I'm an addict" as an excuse, when it's an explanation. Until she's ready to stop using it as an excuse and decides to find ways to deal with the explanation nothing will change. Unfortunately it's also bringing about the end of a decade plus

I’ve only heard these 3 songs, but if the rest is even half as good as True Blue is, it's bound to be absolutely amazing. 

Yeah, basically that has Vince Clark’s name in the liner notes.

What is the punchee is Justin Bieber? There must be some kind of exemption for that, right?

Stop yucking other people’s yum. People can like what they like. It’s not hurting anyone else.

That’s the bit. It wasn’t actually Will Smith. It was  Will Ferrell in a Will Smith suit.

Why bring them up? In a year when both were the subject of movies that were among those nominated? Sure, they may not have been in the movies themselves, but the references were certainly relevant to this years nominees.

Take your star, you classless bastard...

I spent my freshman year of college in upstate New York. I don’t blame anyone on the plane for not wanting to end up there.

Have you seen the British money system prior to decimalization? 

Like you said, it wasn’t a direct sequel, which is what it was looking at.

All time worst? Is it really seen that way? I have nothing but love for this movie.

Hasn’t it been over 30 years since he left that gig.

You’re not alone there. When Ted had his panic attack outside the club... Man, I was a mess. The way it was presented just felt entirely too familiar...