Swarles Barkley

And if anyone is intimately familiar with that concept, it’s Steve-O.

I’m greatly looking forward to this. I’m not going to claim to be a Sparks superfan or anything, but several Sparks albums are regulars in my listening rotation.

Sure they will. It’s just much easier to see when you realize that the “User” is the advertiser.

If this isn’t the most 2020'ish of 2020 headlines...

Don’tunderestimate the enjoyment one can get from a coffee maker you load whole beans into the night before and schedule it to start brewing 5 minutes before your alarm is set to go off. Definitely makes silencing that alarm and getting out if bed less painful.

Don’tunderestimate the enjoyment one can get from a coffee maker you load whole beans into the night before and

Gold Peak diet sweet tea. I’m not a southerner, so I have no allegiance to “real” sweet tea. Maybe it’s because it's been so long since I cut sugared drinks from my intake, but the Gold Peak stuff tastes exactly how I remember the real stuff tasting.

Randall Flagg would be far more competent.

I’d like to invite you to meet some Juggalos. 311 fans have nothing on them.

If that ain’t America, I don’t know what is at this point...

Yeah, I’m with you there. I started my college career at RIT. The weather was enough to make me not go back the following year.

Can I get off the planet? I don't want to be here anymore...

Now playing

I’d say that this shows them at their height, their most powerful:

I’m not really sure that he has any real interest in chasing any more mainstream exposure. He seems to be doing things he things are entertaining and/or funny, or at least speak to him in some way.

It only takes once for it to be an incredibly disgusting experience.

Agreed. This is one of the ugliest vehicles I’ve ever seen.

^^^ Art major here. Degrees in two different fields of study in fact. Did you have any questions that you wanted answered? Like: “What’s it like inside of a school?” or “There are schools you can go to after the third grade?”

Just skin? Waste of matter of all forms.

However, with Microsoft set to release a new console next year—which will almost certainly have support for livestreaming gameplay to Mixer baked in

But Morrissey has always displayed a side of sexuality on stage. Sure, he is/was/has been asexual in his personal life, but on stage and and with many of his androgynous/ambiguous lyrics I just can’t agree.