Also, within those categories, college education moves the needle left every time.
Also, within those categories, college education moves the needle left every time.
As a white woman, even I have no fucking idea what 60 percent of white female voters in Alabama were thinking. Thank you, black voters, for getting the job done.
As someone who lives in Alabama, I’m not that surprised he won. I know a lot of people look at Alabama as a third world state with burnt necks and confederate flags, but it’s definitely gotten better. People are more progressive than you would think and it’s really the older generation that is holding us back.
This is my favorite comment of this whole fucking night.
You should see the Breitbart Youtube feed from the Moore HQ. They are all glum and singing hymns on stage. It is shit show.
They’re planning a new Abortionplex in Birmingham.
Yes, get ready for some horrendous verbal attacks on Twitter. I wonder how many copies of his phone he’s had, from throwing the phone against the wall. He seems the type.
Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.
Countdown to Trump’s “The election was rigged” tweet in 3....2.....1.
I’ll take it
I honestly thought that a racist, homophobic pedophile was going to be elected to the US Senate. After the way the last two years went, I didn’t think there was a prayer of Moore losing.
Oh great now its going to be nothing but abortion after abortion. Thinking of buying a new car? Aborted. I was going to get a raise last week but what do you know? Aborted. Abortion on-demand. Abortion on TiVo. Mail-order abortion. Abortion in our streets. Abortion in our churches. Pay-per-viewbortion. Fake abortions.…
Donald Trump threw the full weight of the White House behind Moore.
I hate to resort to capitals, but a quick note to Bannon, McConnell, Trump and the rest: