Lena Dunham is just an asshole, all around. And she still would be regardless of if she was white, black, purple or green.
Lena Dunham is just an asshole, all around. And she still would be regardless of if she was white, black, purple or green.
No. I always thought her songs tried way too hard and were very basic bitch. “Teehee look how cute and unique and in love I am!” I went through that phase in my early twenties but I didn’t write a song about it because it was so embarrassing.
YUP. Bitch must have an un-manaj-able thirst for attention.
I am not impressed. Girl is thirsty.
Can you ask them to release I Love Money 3? The season of the MTV Challenge-like show they never released because Ryan the Real Life GF Killer was on it and (rumor has it) won? I feel like enough time has passed where it’s not AS tasteless to request that as it used to be.
She’s got a bone structure like cut glass. She’ll be ok.
This almost makes for a better story. Poor Portia’s geriatric hen!
Some bloated white gamer dude feels entitled to pussy and behaves like an asshole? MIND. BLOWN.
I couldn’t have said it better. The infighting on the left has got to stop if this momentum has any chance of taking hold. If we meet our downfall because different types of progressives argue over whose side is more woke, we only have ourselves to blame.
I know. I went to an all-girls Catholic school that very much touted the fem-first agenda. So when I saw Grease for the first time and saw Sandy completely abandon her own much-cuter identity for some GUY, it left a really bad taste in my mouth.
I’m. Just. Soaking. In it. It’s like the whole-body anesthetizer I needed on the almost-anniversary of the election.
I think it comes from a failure to treat women as people. In some emotionally-stunted men’s minds, women are this sexual/maternal/culinary vending machine that requires a very specific set of words to unlock the sex/coddling/sandwich from. When in reality if they just said hello and started a non-creepy conversation…
Probably on some superficial level, but then he thought, “Welp, I’m not a chick so not my problem lol.”
I also really liked the mermaids. But Disney got to me young so that’s probably why.
If you have to say it, it’s not true (see: “I’m not racist” and “I’m classy”).
Forgive me. I use “skank” more for comedic effect because it’s the most toothless insult I know. Something about the “ayn” part just sounds hilarious to me, unlike “twat” or the untouchable “c*nt.” So when I use it, it’s more for comedy than a desire to hurt. For me, it’s not an insult, it’s just something you say…
And THERE you are. I knew you’d show up in all your “Actually!” glory, throwing around the word “ignorant” alongside a bunch of ambiguous sex definitions. Welcome. I’ve been waiting for you. It’s November 7. I needed a laugh.
I didn’t shit on them as a whole. I acknowledged that “I’m sure it work for some people.”
I also have a zero tolerance view of this. You’re not a “sex addict,” you’re just an asshole.
Go back to youtube comment threads. That’s more your speed.