swan ate my baby

Little Caesar’s cheese is literally dyed yellow. That’s a no go.

lol k

IKR? He went out and didn’t act like a horndog. HE MUST BE A RAPIST! I truly think if he was “worried” about something he wouldn’t go out at all.

Edited to reflect that I finally understand what you’re saying now. I’m slow on Thursdays.

Haha no worries no offense taken! :)

I thought it was a cute joke until my therapist told me this year that I really do have borderline personality disorder. So now I just blame it on that. But only after we’ve been dating for a few years. That’s not really first date talk.

Mine’s Jenna. Jenna frequently tells my boyfriends to go fuck themselves even when we’re not fighting.

The raising of entitled kids is really getting to me. It’s an epidemic. And a stupid one at that. When I got in trouble at school, my mom’s first reaction was not, “NOT MY LITTLE PRINCESS!” it was “WHAT IN GOD’S NAME DID YOU DO NOW?!”

This girl isn’t cute though so no harm done. Anemic greasy porcine faces usually aren’t.


find the lie

Yeah, but they don’t critique. They just complain. More often then not, there is no positive, constructive conversation happening on The Root. It’s just a bunch of people bitching that the white experience is different from their own and thus, inferior and irrelevant. It’s no better than a diseased, putrid reddit

Are you even aware of this:

I once pronounced Van Nuys “Van Noo-eys” after five years of living in L.A. The u-y bit always gets me and I forget the word “guys” exists to provide some insight.

“There are good people on both sides — on both sides — of this incident. Including the coward who hit a bunch of children with an armload of fake guns. On both sides. Indict Hillary. Fake news. Sad!”

I thought it was great too. Which means The Root will shit on any positive influence it offered in favor of eschewing it for being too white in 3...2...1...

lol no

They chose an icon marked by cowardice and failure: congrats white supremacists, you really chose the right team. Not that I’m surprised; you don’t have much of a chance at life when you’re the result of ten generations of inbreeding and meth.

I mean if she’s happy good for her or whatever but that song still sucks.

lol k