These idiots, despite having extremely strong opinions about abortion, know next to nothing about it, just like the Bible they go on about, but haven’t ever read.
These idiots, despite having extremely strong opinions about abortion, know next to nothing about it, just like the Bible they go on about, but haven’t ever read.
Thank you. People who say the Republicans have no policy ideas are kidding themselves. The policy is theocracy.
I’m sorry but the image of multiple abortion attempts is absolutely killing me right now, like the fetus is just dodging instruments like the fucking road runner.
Their policy is turning the U.S into Saudi Arabia, except it's the Christian version.
No doubt the same ones who held up the “keep government out of my medicaid” signs.
Now to move on to a few of the newer idiots like Shitstain and Even My Mom Doesn’t Love Me.
Dammit. That was the most creative, confounding troll I’ve ever come across. It felt like a person from a slightly different dimension. I’ll miss her and her unaborted daughter, Julia.
Great news! It looks like Crystal Jewell was finally banned. All her old threads have been removed. It’s like they never happened. Unaborted daughter Julia has been aborted. Our long national nightmare is over.
i have the feeling that lots of them southerners who love this song are both obese & milking welfare.
I always thought Ron Desantis was emboldened and that’s why he acted like such a dick in FL. Now that he’s broadening his horizons I see it’s just tge the way he is. I can’t imagine him coming out if this not looking like a complete asshole.
The national abortion debate is already over. Abortion consistently crushes every time it’s put to a popular vote, even in red states. Smart Republican presidential candidates can see which way the wind is blowing. They’re ready to declare abortion a states right issue and move on to other topics, and so am I.…
Who is this debate for? trump is going to get the nom because repubs are all spineless losers. None of these people are going to be VP based on the strength of this debate; its whoever trump wants to pick based on loyalty to him alone.
Try and take a shot each time LGBTQ gets blamed for everything from sex crimes to soggy Rice Krispies. I give you 10 minutes before lapsing into a coma.
Three cheers for someone being honest about not feeling like they would be a good parent. I wish more people would.
Seems to be just within the ‘just-about-reasonable’ area, but really need to know about the battery life. The Dualsense is pretty shoddy as is, can’t imagine sticking a screen on is going to do it any favours.
Seems to be just within the ‘just-about-reasonable’ area, but really need to know about the battery life. The Dualsense is pretty shoddy as is, can’t imagine sticking a screen on is going to do itany favours.
Fuck your feelings, snowflake. Is that how it goes? I’m not used to being an asshole. You’re really good at it. That’s why you’re flagged and dismissed, again. You weren’t just dismissed for this weak concern troll but for your consistently vile blathering. Don’t bother replying to rhetorical questions. You will just…
The terms ‘unbanked’ and ‘underbanked’ would preferable, because they refer to people who don’t have bank accounts, or who don’t have credit or debit cards, without reference to the circumstances that left them that way — there are plenty of working Americans who fall into one of those two categories, too.