
As soon as they shut down OW1 and launched OW2 sans the PvE mode, the writing as been on the wall that it was never going to happen.  

“When Republicans decided not to let Obama seat a supreme court judge in 2016 because the election was 8 months away for no known reason other than “naw, we’re not doing it,” all bets were off when it comes to abiding by tradition or any rules we thought we had. “

With the current military leadership, the odds of the military backing a coup are low.

The problem is, if MAGA wins the presidency they already have plans drawn up that identify who to replace in the military command. These plans already have people identified so they can do this on day one pretty much. These

From the announcement my worry is that the film wants the spectacle of a modern American civil war without having anything of substance to say about the modern America that we live in and what could drive us to the breaking point. I worried that the film would try to side step political issues with some lazy, weak

As someone who just started this game last night, I’d like to think that 5 millionth player was me. You’re all welcome.

should be obvious, but /s.... sort of

To be fair, it is *very* easy and profitable to separate Conservative Reactionaries from their money.

Nah, I’m fine with terrible and unfair things happening to terrible people. They can both get fucked and rot.

Judging from the non-apology the CEO gave, he not only isn’t disappointed, but wants to join in, and the only reason he isn’t is bad publicity.

Honestly this is disappointing. I thought the dev team’s responses to the discord peanut gallery were a breath of fresh air compared to every other dev that coddles the most annoying segment of their player base to the detriment of everyone else. Having the devs basically respond with “Git gud” to whiners who can’t

I think everyone sucks here. Players are being whiny, devs shouldn’t speak to customers that way if they want to be professional. People act like games are their life and their life is ruined if a gun is less powerful, probably only temporarily until they do another balance update.

Devs didnt lie or say anything wrong.

The dev totally didn’t say it the right way but he has a point. The fucking whiners about a balance patch in this game are insufferable. Its been out for like two weeks. Its not like they took away some weapon after two years. Of course they are gonna have to fix some shit once the players get their hands on it. 

So, a convicted rapist versus a petulant man-child YouTuber.

This is what the 2nd amendment was made for. The right is in for a rude awakening when they realize just how many lefties are armed. We just don’t make it our whole fucking identity.

Success and Popularity =/= Good.

Probably because fascists get amplified on Xitter, and this story is the fascist cause of the day.

Aren’t these reactionary nerds tired of this? Isn’t this life exhausting? This can’t be fun, can it? Just a constant state of anxiety and paranoia in a hobby that’s supposed to be relaxing. This just seems like such an awful, shitty way to live. I mean....yes, if you’re a streamer/content creator, the anti-woke

Buddy of mine makes a fairly convincing argument that gamergate provided the alt right a potent recruiting tool for a demographic they had previously had a very hard time recruiting. But then we got a President who made a whole segment feel that their irrational anger and abhorrent behavior was something to be

It’s been *so weird* seeing this behavior from people and I don’t know what happened. Good games/shows/movies/books/plays/art got made in the past, and bad games/shows/movies/books/plays/art got made in the past. And you know what we did? We enjoyed it, or we didn’t and then we just went on with our lives.  That was

Isn’t Hogwarts Legacy a WB game? And it was the best selling game of 2023. To these execs have the memory of a damn mouse?