
They were later greeted outside by Ally McBeal Dancing Babies.

I’m ashamed I remembered the Dancing Ito’s immediately…

This wasn’t even the worst part.

Ffs we’re still getting Clinton jokes at these things? It’s like hack late night monologues from 30 years ago.

Yes, I, too like watching Batman’s mom and pops die in an alleyway and pearls bounce on concrete every goddamn time we have a Batman film. Just so anyone who can’t be bothered to look up a Batman explainer for 30 seconds can be caught up to the rest of us.

It makes too much sense.

I’m not committed enough to the future of the human species to care much about the fertility rate. Fewer, or even no humans on the planet doesn’t seem like such a terrible future given... *broadly gestures around*

Of course, the U.S. is the best at cheating.

It is indeed a problem. We simply cannot rape and burn the world to the ground without unchecked consumerism and the almighty GDP. And we cannot generate massive wealth for a select few Capitalist overlords without an underpaid and overworked lower class churning out babies who will grow up into low-wage blue collar

1) There’s no reason to take anything Musk says seriously.

It must be exhausting to be this scared of trans people all the time. Have a Bud Light” is honestly decent ad copy.

Trans people, people of colour, immigrants, gay people, poor people, all women...

In my experience, angry people need to find things to be angry about otherwise they’d need to address the reasons why they’re angry in the first place and they’re scared of facing that. And that’s exhausting for them and everyone around them.

I wish I was simple-minded enough to ignore genuine existential threats like climate change and the rise of authoritarianism and focus all my energy on something banal like how other people choose to live their lives.

It must be exhausting to be this scared of trans people all the time.

I’m not even being sarcastic when I say that I am shocked that people have realized that paying more money for cold, soggy food is a bad idea. I would have thought the combination of laziness and lack of taste would have continued to win out.

The ultimate irony of course being they seldom benefit from those lower taxes anyway. 

To be fair, lots of people probably do Part A. It’s where Part B is listed as some kind of normal consequence that I get lost.

Cool and normal!

Convicted twice in a year and still making threats from the comfort of her home? How’s that work?