
I will definitely agree that BKV can be hit or miss at endings. I was pretty lukewarm on Ex Machina and Saga bored me to tears

it really is a great comic, very heartfelt and thrilling (and a satisfying ending, at least to me)

can’t believe this is a real trailer for a show that is going to come out. feels like a fever dream.

I never understanding the apparently massive appeal of marvel zombies. I thought it was a great story for the Ultimate F4 but every time they’ve retread that ground since has just felt pointless (but I will admit I’m probably not the core audience)

would love to see another multi doctor story but I think it’s a bit too son to have capaldi back

I got a bit further than you but I could handle the villain who forced her minions to go down on her. that shit was just too goofy

I think this could be a great idea if they spend the money and commit to it. I look at a show like See, that has the goofiest damn premise I’ve ever heard, and don’t see why this couldn’t work

I really hope the rings aren’t just reduced to wavy, punchy macguffins. the individual powers of the rings in the comics were always cool, if a bit goofy (and wildly overpowered)

Yeah not to defend these guys at all but I would say for the most part not public knowledge in 2013. There was that joke in the 2009 30 Rock, as the cosby allegations were more of an open secret in the entertainment biz

I thought the black widow CGI looked fine until that 3rd act. the shit in the sky base looked god awful

legitimately? I wonder if we’ll ever reach a time when creatives stop being so eager to take on these legacy reboots/remakes/relaunches just to avoid getting screamed at by chuds and losers

This is what I don’t understand. Seems like they could easily resurrect Irene with a different powerset if they really want to maintain the “no pre-cogs on krakoa” rule

I don’t know that the way the Cerebro backups works means that Wanda would have an active backup in the system. It’s possible there might be one from when she was believed to be a mutant, way back in the day, but I’m not really sure how they’ll explain it

I think the question is that how do you get anyone to agree to that? If non-mutants can be resurrected as mutants on krakoa, who decides who is worthy? how do you determine what powers they should get?

that’s a great theory but it totally doesn’t make sense to uhhhh just do that and let your corpse be found without running it by anyone?

as much as I think the role should be recast, I really don’t think Disney wants to open themselves up to that kind of scrutiny. Black Panther was marketed as a huge triumph of black representation on screen much of that attributed to Chadwick’s performance. I think a lot of people, including some of he stars attached

yeah I’m not really sure why there needs to be a prince. the panther mantle is not always inherited


I think she’ll have a more substantive role than that but tbh....I’m rioting if we don’t get a storm who is at least 6 feet tall

I can understand why it takes a while. Movies are a huge financial commitments and studios have fairly thin lines on what they consider a success. If I was putting a few hundred million in someone’s hands to flip into a billion (ideally) I’d take a bit of time to pick them out too