
it’s probably gotta sting a bit to see them drag out past spider-men, those villains and bring back stewart and not get even like a walk on

I’m think it’s gotta be Denise Crosby

people keep saying this, but as someone who works pretty closely with high school students: they looked fine. the only person who didn’t seem believable as the age they’re supposed to be playing is charlie heaton

It honestly feels so strange to see “heroes don’t kill” as the conflict point for a mainstream superhero movie

Got to see this film at a promotional screening and I was absolutely blown away by it. I think what struck me the most is that despite being about a family of Chinese immigrants and their first gen kid, there was so much I could feel related to my family’s own immigrant experience (we’re from the Caribbean)

This is just me being a nerd but it’s something that’s bothered, especially in the post Endgame MCU: I’ve never really gotten a good sense of how regular humans feel about these characters

Gotta believe at this point Disney has made plenty of offers and Sony has shot them all down. They probably wouldn’t take less than 10 billion dollars for Spider-man (which is absurd to write as it would be for them to sit across a table and ask for)

my understanding of it seems to be that in the short term they could get a nice bundle of cash from disney if they sold them back their IP - but I think sony still believes that over the long term these characters will be worth tons more than they invested.

The big corporations are starting to acknowledge (after sort of pretending to not know for years) that casting almost any black or brown person into a property associated with a “fandom” is going to produce this racist backlash. They seemed to have started warning actors to this fact.

this attitude right here is why democrats consistently lose

people keep posting this...but it’s not funny either. is it incisive? sure. but it’s not funny

I honestly would’ve hated the weekly release format but I also very much hate them splitting up the season like this too. I don’t get why they wouldn’t have dropped it all at once beyond wanting to juke extra subscription money from folks

Surrendering to the police is far different than being stopped by them

if the wealthy want to protect their property they can pay for private security with their own money. I’m tired of this bullshit

I just don’t get why you’d blow yourself.

do you think this recipe would work without the sugar? bizarre question I know

I love YYH but c’mon, that’s a bit of a stretch.

how would it? I’m not really sure how you litigate something that happened decades ago without photo or video evidence

I’ve seen multiple tiktoks of people doing their boils with sunny d, tampico, orange hawaiian punch....seems horrid

I was very skeptical of that advice but felt like I’m too much of a novice to push back on it.