
There was a time a few years ago where I absolutely would’ve gone super hard defending race-bending a character as a way to get some on screen representation. I would’ve drafted an essay! I would’ve taken the time to bust down every single stupid argument some racist trolls would make...

Kind of surprised they’re going with THE MARVELS  instead of Captain Marvel and the Marvels or some other subtitle.

Yeah the rumors I’ve seen say Ghost Rider is destined for the big screen - or at least D+, they aren’t sending the goods to Hulu anymore

is there any basis to these rumors besides nerds not shutting up about it for the last four years?

as deeply cynical as I am (and as much as I detest that battle sequence in particular), that line still gives me goose bumps too.

Hard agree that Saki’s powers causing her physical ailment was a plot that got dropped really quickly in favor of her being an unstoppable mutant child.

Agree that the mechs were a huge pain point for me. This just took me out of the setting every time - especially since mechs (and that robot) were the only pieces of technology

Finished the series over the weekend and I really enjoyed it. My only beef is that English voice acting is awful. Not just a dubbing issue as someone mentioned in the comments - the voice cast is just bad. I rewatched a couple of episodes in english/japanese just to see if I was maybe being picky but I just overall

Yes. This is exactly what I was expecting

I really thought they would redeem him with some mumbo jumbo about his ancestor’s spirit imbuing him with the power of scorpion. then he got vibranium armor and tonfas. I was very unimpressed.

I’m a little curious to see more how they’re adapting his story, cause shifting his timeline after steve’s in WW2 raises some questions 

It’s sam’s naivety you touch on that really gets to me. The fact that he really thought they’d let that shield sit in a museum has got to make him the dumbest avenger without question 

1. apparently their scheme was to give vaccine to the displaced from the blip, which is weird given that their whole thing is they don’t care about displaced. so I’m confused.

I think there’s a very deliberate arc that’s happening in this and I think yes, actually, we are less likely to get these weird jitled scenes of racism by the time they put sam in his cap costume

did april and the extraordinary world really light up the world enough to get a second dub? it was an okay date night watch but not a film I’d really recommend 

the updated star spangled man song was awesome

I was a bit confused about Sam calling himself a free agent considering he’s an Air Force contractor and they somehow claim ownership of Redwing (I thought Stark built it?)

A couple of thoughts:

I’ve been telling friends that if they have any affection for the Justice League, they will like the Snydercut. If not, there are probably better ways to spend 4 hours.

I enjoyed the SnyderCut quite a bit and I suspect I’ll watch it again at some point...but I’m failing to see the appeal of a black and white version of the movie.