
supergirl has a much weaker first season than the flash but it gets better and better. The Flash unfortunately gets worse every season 

I still really think Grant Gustin should’ve been given the tap to play the theatrical flash

his statement about “military contracts” seems to imply he’s just that - air force contractor. not really sure what that pays

it is very bizarre to see. even after years of the MCU it’s still jarring

I cannot believe Sam would’ve done something like give the shield to the smithsonian. I’m hoping he handed over a fake

what the hell is this word salad supposed to mean. what possible reconciliation could there be with this archaic and violent institution?

I have ALWAYS wanted to be in a test group or test screening like this. the closest I ever got was when a friend was working at MGM and hit me up on facebook to ask if I would watch “game of thrones with vikings” and when I said no he goes “too bad its been greenlit!” I had no idea what the point even was

Honestly I’m glad this show is sticking to the oft-ignored Morrison edict of “Superman’s problems are ours, just bigger”

Years and years ago, when I was a much less competent home cook than I am now, I followed some recipe for chicken rice (Hainanese?) Poached a whole chicken, used the water to make rice...

Soy beans make me horribly gassy so that aspect of the dish is very unappealing to me but pics and video of this food look good as hell

I hate Tucker Carlson. I hate that ever spat between NYT reporters and whoever is mad them this week is news of any kind. I hate that the spats of the media class as a whole are things that get reported on like this!

I don’t understand why this needs to exist. I know that we don’t live in a world where we can easily (or really, at all) regulate and ban harmful technologies but I’m just failing to understand why every living human should pay a price so that rich assholes can launder their money buying virtual trading cards or audio

Haven’t seen this episode yet so maybe it blows my theory out of the water but I’m wondering if the reason Hollow Jor-El’s test on Jordan’s abilities showed that he’s not really able to store solar energy the way Clark can is because his powers function at the best when he’s in close proximity to his brother. They are

Just wondering: Does not walking your dog for four months feel a bit extreme?

The thing is, what you’re describing is essentially both parties acting in defense of their donor’s class interests: the GOP keeps americans divided with culture wars and racial hate. The Democrats fend off any challenges from the left and shout down any ideas that would push the needle against the current system.

I remember being very excited to work on the Obama campaign at 18 and my mentor, rest his soul, a wise man who’d seen and heard it all, sat me down and “You realize Obama is basically a republican, right?” I didn’t really get it at the time but boy howdy did that lesson quickly sink in after the subsequent few years. 

And that’s why I keep telling my electorially minded friends that this whole “get a seat at the table” agenda is for the birds. They’re just gonna take the table’s legs, and chairs. 

I feel like they would unfreeze a stock of the Queen’s eggs and get to incubating a new heir 

A thing I absolutely identify with Meghan about is having a shitty half-sibling. he crawls out of the muck to harass the family once a year or so and I live with a somewhat random paranoia that if I ever attempted to achieve any level of notoriety, he would be right there to spew drug-addled lies about me.

Claire I gotta call foul on this one. I have a very crummy air fryer (doesn’t cook past 350) and it makes amazing corn dogs. I make those Korean Mozz/Fish sauage one and they come out just as good as the dodgy chicken sausage ones from Aldi’s