
legitimately, when this clip dropped on youtube and I heard that he *hadn’t* said the n-word, I was shocked. Like, I think the number of times I’ve heard that slur out loud could be counted on one hand

I agree and disagree. To an extent Hayword’s position at the start is very clear, but there’s a lot of bizarre actions on his part (doctoring video claim Wanda stole the Vision’s body as part of a plan to steam her Hex copy? That just made no damn sense)

Yes. And it sucks because every time it seems like the show might push back on this they just double down. Detmer, Stamets, Saru, Admiral Vance....any character that ever expressed some slight skepticism about this character immediately does a 180 within two episodes about how much she kicks ass an exemplifies

I think it works for Trek, specifically in the context of Klingon/Romulan/Cardassian societies because they are deeply repressive imperial states that maintain their power through rituals based around honor, deception, subterfuge, etc.

I dunno, having watching Picard as it aired and rewatched it recently, I don’t feel like it really added to the Romulans in a substantial or good way. Its actually kind of goofy that they made the Romulan stance against synthetic intelligence such a longstanding part of their culture - or one that was so important the

Hard agree. I’m not a hardliner - I don’t think Star Trek needs to be this or that in order to be Star Trek. But one thing the DISCO team doesn’t seem to understand is that Star Trek is an ensemble. Yes the Captain will always command attention with two other characters who support them, but the folks behind this show

yeah I mean a white liberatarian wrote Sam for a chunk of time so it’s exploration of race in america was never gonna be great

I mean, this has never been a thing in the comics. There’s a story post Cap death with Hawkeye effectively wielding the shield.

I really hope that if we get Sam!Cap on screen they ditch the wings entirely or give him a suit design that’s a bit less clunky

You know what I’ve enjoyed about watching this? I don’t have any theories! And I do my best to avoid the ones people have online! I don’t care if you think Reed Richards or Mephisto is going to show up!

Bradley Ledford is probably one of the only people who regrets saving someone else from a burning car

binged it in january and I’m shocked how much I loved it. Reccomended it to my skeptical brother who is also hooked (ordered a bunch of Cobra Kai merch, which even I haven’t done) and describes it “the closest thing to live action anime”

Honestly I don’t see season 4 wrapping up without her being arrested for attempted murder

I still have a really hard time accepting that Boseman is gone. I remember sitting in the theatre and watching him come out of the portal in Endgame and joking with my brother that he looked kind of sick. I still feel a pang of guilt whenever I think about that.

wow, he’s skimmed through Grant Morrison’s supergods at least once 

Yes. Thank fucking god. Ever since MoS came out I’ve had to listen to people go on and on about how deep this man’s work is and I keep thinking “You should be on his payroll. You are doing a great job at making these turds shine.”

Hard agree. Someone needs to tell this guy no

I’ve loved the art direction but agree that it could’ve been 4 issues shorter. I’m not really sure what that months long delay was all about either

Would be nice to see a real critical evaluation of Coates Marvel output. Baffling to see it described as “setting a new standard” when its largely been underwhelming and repetitive (at least on the black panther end)

Was just having this convo with someone the other day. The Ultimate Universe lead to what is both the modern MCU AND the Modern marvel comics universe. While a lot of things from it were discarded, it really set the tone for the stories we’re seeing across media