
I honestly think the last four years have just wrecked peoples brains. No one can just laugh at an idiot anymore - we have to consider the endless “implications” of what their idiocy means for society, whether the idiot is really a hero or a villain.

based on her radio interview, she did it on purpose and understood it was glue

I think murder is a not great example to use in this case since the MCU handles heroes killing way differently than comics would (killing is basically par for the course in the MCU - stark had no problem giving a teenager an instant kill mode in his robo-suit)

my father had a rather debilitating stroke right around the time trump got elected and its been really hard to not see a similar decline in trump (and biden, if we’re keeping it real) the last few years

I have a really hard time seeing how Wanda can be a hero after this. Even if she’s not fully in control of her powers, it seems like she’s very much aware of what is happening and doesn’t want to stop it

how does the falcon stop bugs from splattering all over his face

so that’s a bit I’ve always a been a bit conflicted on: did he need the location of the siberian base confirmed? or did he need it confirmed the tape he wanted was at the base and not somewhere else?

but lets be fair here: Knowing what we know about Wakanda, it does seem kind of silly to believe that Wakandan intelligence had no clue at all that a team of terrorists lead by a hydra agent were in the same country as one of our their outreach groups

*Killing Pietro

I’m kind of surprised they established SWORD as a thing that has existed for a while and didn’t just pop up in the missing five years.

Yeah I really thought we were gonna get an entirely rewiped timeline

Cap not talking back re: HYDRA made no sense to me. There’s no possible way that from the events of TWS to Civil War that there had been a full removal and accounting for all the nazi infiltration of the system.

A question I’ve always had about the plot of Civil War is if Zemo couldn’t have accomplished most of his goals by just emailing the video of Howard and Maria’s assassination to Tony.

1. does the mcu version of zemo actually have a title or does he just call himself a baron

Perhaps this question speaks both to my overall naivete and lack of understanding around early human and Neanderthal societies....

Yes. Its also great as an add-in for chowder or chicken pot pie

he’sright aabout women being hotter on the page

Lets be honest: this was going to happened whether or not she had a “squeaky clean” twitter feed or not, the same way the vitriol started the moment Boyega took his helmet off in the Force Awakens trailer.

The Gifted

No. It’s a dreadful slog of trauma porn for people who think prestige tv representation is the pinnacle of integration into american life.