
I forgot all about this show

this is fun and I’m excited but in character, I’m pretty confused how any of these characters besides Armor, Sunspot and Cannonball recieved their respective nominations

I did but I chalked it up to them wanting to keep the make up and effects budget low

this makes me dislike kurtzman even more

No, because you’d actually have to be willing to sit with and explore ideas. And no one currently making live-action trek cares about that

I would watch this solely because he’s put more thought into than whoever is show-running Picard.

legitimately forgot this movie existed until it was referenced in the show. 

I love it

I hope this is better than the trailer cause this seems kind of dour and melodramatic 

I got the sense that they had seen other again after the events of Karate Kid 2

that is fantastic. 

Yes! I don’t know how intentional it is but the show has such a heavy anime influence

I just binged the entire show and that’s been my reaction “how is this so good?” it reminds me of being a kid and watching these movies and cheesing all over again. 

I get you. I never had much issue with meal planning because growing up my mom would only cook three times a week - you ate leftovers and fended for yourself between meals. I can happily eat eggs for breakfast every day, a protien/green combo for lunch & dinner.

Gotta co-sign this. I lost 60 pounds and getting a whole new wardrobe really and truly helped changed how I felt about myself. And it undid years and years of shit I internalized 

I dunno, when I was on keto hardcore I generally ate between 1200- 1300 a day and it wasn’t a problem for me at all. I had a ton of energy, I was definitely never hungry. 

really? ever since I learned about whole roasted cauliflower its been a huge part of my cooking, I think I roast at least two heads a month. Coat with sesame seeds and chili crisp. Its awesome. 

I lost 60 lbs on keto two years ago - put back on 20 (namely thanks to the pandemic) and just restarted it. I really enjoy the diet and never really found it pricey - my big problem is just a partner who doesn’t have the same diet and having to navigate that (as the one who cooks in the house)

I’m actually a pretty big fan of cauliflower rice - I think it’s great if you make fried rice - but all those other cauliflower subs are suss as hell.

my big regret about the week I spent in Guatemala was not trying more local cuisine. We were in Antigua, a touristy hub, so we ate a lot of foreign food. An expat I met told me that Antigua is where “chef’s come to die” so there’s lots of great restaurants - we went to an amazing steak house. And I was told there’s