
I really don’t get the various timeframes happening in these Future State books and why its not consistent across family lines. 

A few years ago my partner’s org let go of an employee who sexually assaulted a coworker at an after work function. The employee slinked into the shadows for a bit and reappeared trying to get a similar job at a local union. My partner’s org reached out and let them know the circumstances of the dismissal and why

right. if we’re keeping it 100 the fact that there is a “captain america” character at all is part of the problem we’re dealing with! we can’t valorize something built in blood

because the united states of america didn’t repudiate the racial supremacy that was at the core of Nazi ideology - instead it integrated nazis into NATO, NASA and a bunch of places in the mil-intel-security complex. And we’re paying for that shit today. 

I think a 12-15 episode season would’ve really been a sweet spot for this story

Really excited to see this! As I was plotting out my Waterdeep Dragonheist Campaign and falling into Realms lore, I was so intrigued by Candlekeep. Definitely a place I’d love to send my players if they ever get around uhhh actually finding the cache of dragons 

the only tv stuff I wish Feige would bring into the fold besides Daredevil (pre-defenders) is Cloak & Dagger. God that show was tremendous 

I don’t understand why everyone loves Ritter in the role. Did she did okay with the most bad material they gave her? Yes. Do I feel like she really embodied jessica jones? No!

A period piece panther film would actually be amazing, especially if they were willing to give us some Panther vs the Klan action. 

I know that this is kind of the elephant in the room but lets keep it real - I think there is a huge chunk of the audience would have zero interest in seeing Shuri become Black Panther. And I think Disney knows this. 

I can completely understand why they wouldn’t want to recast T’Challa, or evne discuss potentially doing it publicly - but it seems very strange to me to spend so long building up a discourse around this “important” character in this “important” film and then just...what....have him become a perpetual unseen background

agreed. the disconnect between how good is smells from the outside and how sick the food will make you is wild.

shout out to everyone who thinks some well placed laws can “reform” policing in this country


every crew member on discovery needs 3 months minimum with a counselor. they all break down and cry too god damn much. 

I was okay with the Book twist but the way it was revealed felt very rushed....when did Auriello get the time to figure that out again?

I think Sonequa is a fantastic actress (and I loved how unhinged she played mirror Michael this season) but the material they give her is not worth her talents at all

it’s clear who the writers want Burnham to be.”

i don’t think people realize that political violence in american tends to not involve people tasing themselves in the dicks in and dying. 

I just watched ENT for the first time and I completely agree with you. The Xindi storyline obviously dragged on too long but it was very bold storytelling