
Yes, it is a big deal. but it would be nice if the show taking that risk would also attempt to tell good stories

agreed completely. the found family stuff with adira and stamets is a great example. it was utterly fucking bizarre when he called them “my child” last week. I’m sorry, you’ve got to show, not tell, and they’ve shown us pretty much nothing to establish the familial bond between those characters (much less the rest of

your reviews always give this show the benefit of making it seem much smarter than it really is.

can someone answer a question for me: this woman has been married to a pretty famous athelete for most of my life - why have I seen her name and face more in the last three months than in the previous two decades she’s been “famous”?

its wild to see that I am in the small minority of fans who though Solo was great. It was a rip-roaring adventure that reminded me of every rainy saturday spent reading star wars novels. its the only disney star wars film i’ve enjoyed

I agree with everything you’ve said about snyder but this photo rules and is 100x than any other live action wonder woman content we’ve gotten from these movies

Of course, there are always multiple sides to every story, and with as many different scripts and creatives teams that were attached to what would become Jenkins’ Wonder Woman, there are certain to be other recollections as to what went down.”

There was not a single good thing about Nardole as a companion. He made watching doctor who very hard and then had to go and fuck up bake off too

wait i also used to make campbells sandwiches. 

I think I ate a PB&J&Doritos three times a week for lunch in 5th grade

I put some instant noodles (shout out to the instant mi goreng packs with the bumbu sauce) on a buttered kaiser roll while stoned the other night and it was a much more satisfying meal than I am willing to admit. I had to fight myself against making a second one

seeing static, a character who by all accounts could’ve done black panther numbers opening weekend, called “risky” just leaves a sour ass taste in my mouth

Trevor’s return perplexed me because, y’know, as much as I enjoy Chris Pine, is he really a guy who draws that much of a crowd? No disrespect to the man but c’mon

I thought it was fine right up until the desert chase sequence (which was horribly shot) and then just went downhill after that.

the learning to fly and lighting swinging combo was just very fucking strange. I don’t know why they didn’t just go one or the other. 

I love that renting this game at blockbuster seems to be a shared experience. I adored this game when me, my bro cousin rented and and beat it over a long weekend.

cut all the way around instead of scoring with an X, also soak them first

I roasted some recently after feeling nostalgic for the roast chestnut snacks my dad would make us in the winter. they taste pretty meh roasted.

1. definitely don’t do the classic X scoring, it makes them a pain in the ass to peel. Its better to give them a circular cut all the way around

i’d greenlight your take